编辑: AA003 2019-07-09

t think of that. Thanks. 我倒没有想到这个法子.谢了. Hello. 喂, Yes. The number, please, 我想问一下 Of the Staten Island Ferry lost-and-found office. Staten岛渡轮失物招领处的电话号码, Five five five...zero eight zero eight. 555-0808. Thank you. 谢谢. I really appreciate it, Marilyn. 真的很感谢你,Marilyn. Hello. 喂, Did anyone find a camera bag this afternoon? 请问今天下午有人捡到一个照像机旅行袋吗? A small canvas bag, 一个小的粗帆布袋? On the J. F. Kennedy Ferry?...No? 是在J. F. Kennedy号渡船上丢的.……没有吗? Maybe someone will find it. 也许会有人发现的. The name is Stewart, Richard Stewart. 失主是Stewart,Richard Stewart. And the telephone number is five five five. 电话是555- three oh nine oh. Thank you. 3090.谢谢你. Sorry, Richard. They don'

t have it. 对不起,Richard,他们那里没有. Thanks, anyway. 不管怎样,我都得谢谢你. There was a girl on the ferry. 在渡船上有一个女孩. Now maybe. 也许现在… Tell me about it on the way home. 在回家的路上告诉我吧. And give her a teaspoon of the medicine after every meal. 每餐之后给她吃一茶匙的药. Don'

t worry. She'

ll be fine. 不要担心,她会好的, You'

re welcome. Good-bye. 不用谢.再见. How are you? 你怎么样? I'

m tired and hungry. 我累了,也饿了. Well, Marilyn and Richard called. 好啦,Marilyn和Richard打电话来了, They'

ll be here soon, and then we'

ll eat. 他们马上就到.他们一到就开饭. All right. Is...Is Susan coming? 好吧,Susan来吗? Well, she'

ll be here later. 来,她会晚一点. She has to work late tonight. 她今晚得工作得晚一些. And what'

s Robbie cooking for dinner? Robbie为晚餐准备了什么? It'

s a surprise. 会给你一个惊喜. I hope it'

s pasta. 我希望是意大利面食. Robbie, the dinner was terrific. Robbie,晚餐真是棒透了! Yes, it was delicious. 对,味道非常好. What'

s for dessert? 有什么甜点呢? Oh, I forgot dessert. 哦,我忘了甜点了. Robbie! Robbie! Don'

t worry. 别愁. We'

ve got lots of ice cream. 我们有很多冰淇淋. Oh, I'

d love some ice cream. 哦,我想吃冰淇淋. Well, there'

s chocolate and coffee and a little vanilla. 好的.这里有巧克力冰淇淋、咖啡冰淇淋和一点香草的. I'

ll have vanilla. 我要香草的. Is that all right wi........
