编辑: Mckel0ve | 2019-07-10 |
7 to assist the director of workshop staff arrangement, guidance, assessment, evaluation, reward and punishment, new employee interviews, employment and other. 自我评价: Self evaluation: 本人大学毕业以来一直从事生产管理工作,在香港建滔化工集团粗化车间任生产主管期间,通过制定合理公正的考核制度,量才而用的用人机制和身先士卒的模范带头作用,把一个纪律涣散,四分五裂,一盘散沙的班组带成一个纪律严明,凝聚力强,技术高超的优秀班组,并在四个月内连夺三面流动红旗,在一年多的基层管理工作中逐渐具备了一定的组织协调和沟通能力,积累了较丰富的生产管理工作经验. I graduated from university has been engaged in the production and management, in the Hongkong Kingboard chemical group coarsening workshop served as the production supervisor, through the formulation of reasonable and fair evaluation system, only by employing mechanism and take the lead in the leading role, a lack of discipline, four points five crack, lacking spirit of cooperation with the team into a strict discipline, strong, skilled outstanding team, and within four months of win three surface flow red flag, in more than a year of work of grass-roots management gradually with a certain degree of organization and coordination and communication skills, and accumulated a wealth of production management experience. 进入公司以后,师从计划室主任和调度室老主任学习生产计划的编制、统筹、下发、调整、实施及考核,编制下达周日及节假日生产通知,监督各车间的生产进度及任务完成情况,及时发现和协调处理生产中各类问题,组织、协调、指挥生产工作,且在调度室老主任退休后接替其位置,独挡一面指挥生产,协调处理生产过程中出现的各种突发事件,独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能,擅长与各类人员打交道,具备较强的生产组织协调能力. After entering the company, under the program director and dispatching room old director study production planning, co-ordination, issued, adjustment, implementation and evaluation, the preparation of an announcement Sunday and holidays production, supervise the manufacturing schedule and task completion, discover in time and handle all kinds of problems in production, organization, coordination, command production work, and in the control room and old director after the retirement to take his place, good command of production, coordinate the production of all kinds of unexpected events, the ability to work independently, and have good interpersonal skills, good at dealing with all kinds of people, with strong production and organization and coordination capacity. 本人思维活跃,善于钻研业务,善于创新,在公司产量从2008年的5万台攀升到2010年的21万台和2011年的17万台过程中,根据生产周作业计划,综合分析市场调查预测、订货合同的需求和采购部各种物资的到位情况,各车间工段、班组人员配备情况,各条生产线线速、设备运行情况,生产系统产能匹配等各种约束条件,首创生产日计划分解排产法,精确计算排产,将生产计划确实有效地落实到四个车间各条生产线的各个班组,有效地提高生产效率,合理配置资源,为日产量从400台顺利上升到800台做出了贡献. I am active thinking, good at studying business, be good at innovation, the company production from
2008 50000 up to
210000 units in
2010 and
2011 170000 during the week, according to the production plan, a comprehensive analysis of market investigation and prediction, contract demands and purchasing all kinds of materials in place, each workshop section, team and group personnel, the production line speed, the operation condition of equipment, production system capacity matching of various constraint conditions, the first day production planning decomposition scheduling method, accurate calculation of scheduling, the production plan is effective fulfil four workshops each production line each team and group, raise the production efficiency effectively, reasonable configuration resource, as the output from