编辑: 霜天盈月祭 2019-07-10

假设给用户X2分配的C类网络号为196.25.16.0~,则X2的子网掩码应为 (49) :如果路由器收到一个目标地址为11000100.00011001.01000011.00100001的数据报,则该数据报应送给 (50) 用户. (46)A. B. C. D. (47)A.4 B.8 C.10 D.16 (48)A. B. C. D. (49)A. B. C. D. (50)A.Xl B.X2 C.Xl和X2 D.非Xl且非X2 Linux中一种常用的引导工具是 (51) ;

在Linux操作系统下安装网卡,如果操作系统没有内置的驱动程序,那么用户必须 (52) ,才能完成驱动程序的安装;

为一块设备名为eth0的网卡分配p地址和子网掩码的命令是: (53) ;

如果不打算使用DNS或者NIS进行地址解析,则必须将所有的主机名都放入文件 (54) 中;

测试与p地址为165.113.1.170的网关是否连通的命令是: (55) (51)A.reboot B.1ilo C.gone D.restart (52)A.用ifconfig命令配置网卡 B.手工修改'


文件 C.手工安装驱动程序且重新编译Linux内核 D.重启操作系统 (53)A.serserialeth0202.112.58.200netmask255.255.255.0 B.ifconfigeth0202.112.58.200netmask255.255.255.0 C.minicometh0202.112.58.200netmask255.255.255.0 D.mounteth0202.112.58.200netmask255.255.255.0 (54)A./dev/hosts B./dev/networks C./etc/hosts D./em/networks (55)A.ping B.nslookupl65.113.1.170 C.route D.tepdm 在自治系统内部的各个路由器之间,运行的是内部网关协议IGP.早期的IGP叫做_(56) ,它执行 (57) .当网络规模扩大时,该算法传送的路由信息太多,增加了网络负载,后来又出现了执行最短路径优先算法的IGP.按照这种协议,每个路由器向网络中的其他路由器发布 (58) ,当路由信息改变后,路由器按照 (59) 算法更新路由表.在不同自治系统的路由器之间,运行外部网关协议EGP,典型的EGP是(60) . (56)A.RIP B.GGP CBGP D.OSPF (57)A.路由选择算法B.距离矢量算法 C.链路状态算法 D.内部网关算法 (58)A.它连接的所有链路的状态信息 B.它的路由表 C.与它相邻的路由器的地址 D.所有目标结点的URL (59)A.Diikstra B.Ford-Fulkerson C.Floyd D.WarshaH (60)A. RIP B.GGP C. BGP D.OSPP 帧中继网的虚电路建立在 (61) ,在用户平面采用的协议是 (62) .这种网络没有流量控制功能,但增加了拥塞控制功能.如果沿着帧传送方向出现了拥塞,则把帧地址字段中的, (63) 位设置为1,这样接收方就可通过 (64) 协议要求发送方降低数据速率.最适合提供帧中继业务的网络是 (65) . (61)A.数据链路层 B.网络层 C.传输层 D.会话层 (62)A.X.28 B.HDLC C.LAP-D D.LAP-F (63)A.BECN B.FECN C.DECN D.TECN (64)A.网络层 B.数据链路层 C.传输层 D.高层 (65) A. LAN B. ATM C. DDN D. ISDN For each blank, choose the best answer from the four choices and write down on theanswer sheet. (66) is a six bytes OSI layer

2 address which is burned into every networking device that provides its unique identity for point to point communication. (67) is a professional organization of individuals in multiple professions which focuses on effort on lower-layer protocols. (68) functions with two layers of protocols. It can connect networks of different speeds and can be adapted to an environment as it expands. (69) is the popular LAN developed under the direction of the IEEE802.5. _(70) is the popular backbone technology for transmitting information at high speed with a high level of fault tolerance which is developed under the direction of ANSI. (66) A. The MAC address B. The IP address C. The subnet address D. The virtual address (67) A. ISO B. ANSI C. CCYIT D. IEEE (68) A. The hub B. The bridge C. The router D. The proxy (69) A. Ethernet B. Token Bus C. Token Ring D. DQDB (70) A.X.25 B. ATM C. FDDI D. SMDS In the following essay, each blank has four choices. Choose the best answer and writedown on the answer sheet. Microwave communication uses high-frequency (71) waves that travel in straightlines through the air. Because the waves cannot (72) with the curvature of the earth, theycan be _(73)_ only over short distance. Thus, microwave is a good (74) for sendingdata between buildings in a city or on a large college campus. For longer distances, the wavesmust be relayed by means of dishes or (75) . These can be installed on towers, highbuildings, and mountain tops. (71) A. optical B. radio C. electrical D. magnetic (72) A. reflex B. distort C. bend D. absorb (73) A. transmitted B. transformed C. converted D. delivered (74) A. material B. equipment C. medium D. channel (75) A. repeaters B. radars C. telephones D. antennas 2003年度网络设计师下午试题 试题一(10分) 阅........
