编辑: 无理的喜欢 | 2019-07-11 |
s favorite, each introduction of the type of movie box office. As early as 1921, a Swede named Christensen to shoot a movie called ancient witchcraft . This is the Gothic culture for the first time into the field of film art expression, the dark side elements of paganism, witchcraft and death first became a performance theme of the movie. In this sense, this is a fully-fledged Gothic film. After World War II, with the economic and social recovery, the film industry is getting warmer, Gothic film once again be included in the track of the film-making, Dracula'
s nightmare, laid so far until the Gothic movie vampires standardmode. To the 1990s, Gothic music gradually fell out of favor in the media, but the Gothic culture has become more powerful. Hollywood renaissance of the Victorian horror movie just at this time, the Gothic film was truly usher in a golden age of development. Gothic film not only in Europe and the United States, but around the world set off a wave after wave of climax. The Raven and Edward Scissorhands , Dracula, Interview with the Vampire series of blockbuster horror film for the Gothic culture has injected new excitement.
2007 Christmas DreamWorks and Warner Bros. co-operation by the devil'
s director, Tim Burton, Hollywood superstar Johnny Depp and Burton'
s wife Helena Bonham Carter, Sweeney Todd . The film can be said for the Gothic in Gothic. Pale face, and never forget, never forgive hatred, deceit brewing in the elegant dancing and a sweet voice, splashes of blood and vowed to love dance. Film combines Gothic elements, pain, hatred, bloody, elegant, quite interesting. Keyword:Gothic、Dark、Anti-religious、Lust
二、惊鸿一瞥――欧美电影中的歌特元素在电影中的表达 薄薄的墙壁,宽阔的窗户以及高耸的穹窿这些都构成了一种崭新的建筑空间. 将哥特风格融入到建筑中去是建筑史上的一次巨大的革命,这种高耸的建筑以直插云霄的姿态屹立在欧洲大地上,高调的彰显着宗教对人类历史的烙印.哥特式建筑高耸的用意在于物理上的拉近信徒与上帝的距离.电影中时常出现这些嶙峋瘦削的建筑,他们大多是教堂、城堡、或是突兀出现在森林尽头的庄园. 它们总是孤零零的一座伫立在一个荒凉的地方,这栋建筑就构成了一个独立的与世隔绝的空间.这也构建了电影叙事的独立空间. 提到古堡,人们最先想到的,可能是流传于欧洲民间故事中最神秘、冷酷却优雅并且充满贵族气息的――吸血鬼.有人曾经这样形容过吸血鬼的魅力:如果换来的是永生,那么失去太阳又算得了什么呢?这种寄生于人类尸体的怪物,把自己献给了浩瀚的黑夜,无法再见阳光,却拥有不老的容颜和永恒的生命.在经历漫长岁月的洗礼之后,吸血鬼拥有了渊博的知识和强大的魔力.他们能够化身成蝙蝠,吸取活人的鲜血,并且把被害者变成自己的同类.电影《惊情四百年》中乔纳森在幽冷阴森的古堡中见到深居简出的德古拉伯爵时,他是白发苍苍、眉宇间洋溢着鬼魅气息的老人,梳着一种说不清道不明的古怪发型,拖着长长的血红色袍子.镜子中,德古拉没有映像.墙壁上,德古拉的影子如同鬼一般自由活动.这座古堡似乎就是的古拉伯爵本人――幽暗阴森,四处充满了离奇的事物,让乔纳森打从心底感到恐惧.这里的古堡作为故事的背景,并没有积极地参与到叙事的进展中,故事只是静静在古堡中发生,达古拉伯爵的影子无声的划过斑驳的墙壁,在城堡幽暗的灯光下拉长的尖牙利齿倒影在染色的玻璃窗上,高耸的穹窿配合着巨大的影子试点片的恐怖气氛被渲染到高潮,哥特城堡并未具有恐怖的气质但承载着褐色恐怖的故事情节时却显得如此的搭配.这样孤独、苍凉、却又充满神秘感的建筑,可能除却居住者本身之外,本身在历史和记忆的沁染中,产生了独立的个性.在这样一栋荒废已久,却充满了故事的古宅中,抱着探险心态走入其中的人们,又会遇上怎样的奇遇呢,光是这样的背景就足以吊足了观众的胃口. 深谙中世纪黑暗情调的歌特艺术既孕育出哥特式建筑之后又融入进绘画艺术中.使得绘画风格较之于其他更加沉闷,黑暗和情绪化.这一特殊个性当然不会被敏锐的电影人所忽略,将哥特绘画融入进电影中.例如在影片的场景中大量使用象征鲜血的红色和代表黑暗的黑色.或是结合哥特式建筑风格――石头骨架 结构和宽大的窗子,将壁面减少到最低限度,用玻璃镶嵌画取代壁画成为主要绘画形式,玻璃镶嵌画由各种不同形状、不同色彩的小块玻璃片拼合、镶嵌而成.通常采用深暗而........