编辑: 向日葵8AS | 2019-07-14 |
标题 摘要 选用模板中的样式所定义的 标题1 ,再居中;
或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居中,字号:小三,1.5倍行距,段后11磅,段前为0. 摘要必须反映项目的核心内容,一般包括项目目标、项目描述、商业模式以及融资需求.写作时,应简写目标,写明项目的主要功能和用途,详细写项目的可行性和实现途径,最后对创新点进行强调并给出明确资金需求. 要求语言简明、扼要、准确、客观、逻辑性强.总之,摘要应写得内容充实,不要过分抽象或空洞无物,避免使用 对……具有……意义,价值 等评价性用语,避免使用 本文 、 笔者 等第一人称写法.定稿时要注意纠正语病,删减糁馗吹挠锞浜途渥. 单位制一律换算成国际标准计量单位制,除特别情况外,数字一律用阿拉伯数码.文中不允许出现插图.重要的表格可以写入. 摘要正文选用模板中的样式所定义的 正文 ,每段落首行缩进2个汉字;
或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2个汉字,字体:宋体,字号:小四,行距:多倍行距 1. 5,间距:前段、后段均为0行,取消网格对齐选项. 篇幅以一页为限,字数为600-800字. 摘要正文后,列出3-5个关键词. 关键词: 是关键词部分的引导,不可省略.关键词请尽量用《汉语主题词表》等词表提供的规范词. 关键词与摘要之间空一行.关键词词间用分号间隔,末尾不加标点,3-5个,黑体,小四,加粗. 关键词:会计信息;
博奕分析 Abstract The outward issuing of accounting information is an important signal which could guide the installment of social resources. The information issued fully or not will directly influence the operator'
s behavior choices, and also plays an important part to the market economy. Along with the accountancy system becoming perfect, the quality of information issued by the business enterprise has been improved obviously. The new 《Accountancy Law》 which revised in
1999 improves the accountancy supervision by a deeper step, and bring upped the supervision model which includes the society auditing, the unit inner auditing and the government auditing. This paper firstly used the method of game theory to analyze the issued information quality from the point of incomplete information non-dynamic game, then it analyzes the game players and their choices through the establishment of the game model in order to achieve the Nash-Balance. At last, the paper makes a final conclusion and gives some constructive suggestions, which provides the guidance in theory for the game players to do the best choices. The paper is divided into four sections. The first section says to the present condition of the accounting information and bring ups the questions. The second section says to primarily establish the game model. The third section makes a detail analysis of the model and comes to the basic conclusions. The fourth section gets a further conclusion and makes some constructive suggestions which are fully of realistic meaning. Key words: accounting information;
accounting supervision;
game analysis 目录
2 1. 项目自然情况(包括:项目名称、成立时间、注册地区、注册资本、联系方式、主要股东、股份比例等)
3 2. 主营业务
4 3. 过去三年的销售收入、毛利润、纯利润