编辑: 麒麟兔爷 | 2019-07-14 |
4 Analysis of the Transcriptome of Erigeron breviscapus Uncovers Putative Scutellarin and Chlorogenic Acids Biosynthetic Genes and Genetic Markers Jiang NH, Zhang GH, Zhang JJ, Shu LP, Zhang W, Long GQ, Liu T, Meng ZG, Chen JW*, Yang SC*. PLoS One
2014 23, 9(6):e100357. SCI 3.234
5 Steady and dynamic photosynthetic responses of seedlings from contrasting successional groups under low-light growth conditions Chen JW*, Zhang Q, Li XS, Cao KF. Physiologia Plantarum 2011, 141(1):84C95 SCI 3.520
6 Steady-state and dynamic photosynthetic performance and nitrogen partitioning in the shade-demanding plant Panax notoginseng under different levels of growth irradiance Jun-Wen Chen, Shuang-Bian Kuang, Guang-Qiang Long, Zeng-Gui Meng, Long-Gen Li, Zhong-Jian Chen, Guang-Hui Zhang*, Sheng-Chao Yang* Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 2014, 36(9):2409-2420........