编辑: xwl西瓜xym 2019-07-15

t. 3.Functions: Asking about ability. LANGUAGE FOCUS: Talk about ability and ask and answer simple responses DIFFICULT POINTS: verbs AIDS: Book 4A P4 Cassette and a cassette player Workbook P2 Photocopiable P2 PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS NOTES Warming up Revision Presentation Consolidation Assignment Rhyme 1.Action and saying 2.Talk about your parents'

ability 1.Words: sing, paint, write, draw. 2.Can you___? 3.Listen and answer Read after the tape 1.Grammar book P2 2.Workbook p2 1.Finish Grammarbook 2. Copy new words 3. Do a survey Ss One acts and the rest say: He/She can/can'

t_____ S Ask individual students :Can you___? To elicit words Say the new words 3) Express: I can/can'

t_____. Ask and answer to elicit Yes, I can. / No, I can'

t. Practice : T&

S Work in pairs Listen to the tape, answer questions: e.g., How many pupils? Who are they? Can Kitty/Eddie____? Say Write Ask your friends what they can/can'

t do. CHART: NAME May run jump swim dive fly cook paint draw read sing 板书设计:Look and say Can you.sing, paint, write, Yes,I can.draw, read No,I can'

t. 课后反思: 由于本堂课是建立在前一堂课的基础上的,故学生学起来就更为容易些,利用动作的演示教学,学生感到比较亲切,学起来比较轻松,但单词的容量较大,学生一时还记不了太多,有待于课后进行巩固. UNIT

2 How old are you? PERIOD

1 AIMS: 1.Words(letters):numbers:1----11,birthday 2. Structures :How old are you? I'

m_____. How old is he/she? He'


s_____. 3.Functions: Asking and giving one'

s own age. LANGUAGE FOCUS: Using nouns to identify thing : It'

s my birthday. Asking How questions to find out the age Using daily expressions to express good wishes:Happy___. DIFFICULT POINTS: identify numbers Asking How questions to find out the age AIDS: Book 4A P5 Cassette and a cassette player Workbook P3 Photocopiable P3 Some birthday candles Some pictures;

Alice, Peter PROCEDURES CONTENTS METHODS NOTES Warming up Revision Rhyme: A farmer and ten chicks 1.Quick response 2.Numbers Ss T&

S Show the candles to review the numbers Say: I'

m _____.(according to one'

s own age) Ask and answer: How old are you? I'

m ____. Draw Alice'

s face and a birthday cake to elicit: birthday Say:

1 )review: How old is she? To elicit :She'

s nine. 2)Say 3)Work in pairs Change Alice'

s face to review: How old is he? To elicit He'

s eleven. Say Work in pairs, do substitutions (P2) 1)Play the cassette, listen and follow. 2)Work in pairs 3)performance Listen to the tape Try to say contest Presentation 1.words: birthday 2.How old is she/he? She'


s___. 3.Listen and say Learn the sound Consolidation Assignment Do a survey Workbook P3 Grammarbook P3 Do a survey Photopiable P3,find out four boys and four girls, ask and write their names, ages Report back e.g.: Ben is nine. Read and write Ask all the students their ages and write down, sum up :how many boys/girls are nine/ten/ eleven years old(chart on student book P5) 板书设计:Unit

2 How old are you? How old are you?How old is she/he? I'

m today.She/He is_ Happy birthday to you. Thank you. Today, birthday 课后反思 : 这节课的内容比较通俗易懂,学生的学习兴趣比较的浓厚,利用过生日的形式进行一问一答的方式,学生掌握的比较好,个别学生对于单词birthday的发音不够到位. PERIOD2 AIMS: 1.Words(letters) fold ,blow 2. Structures: Fold/Draw/Blow,____. 3. Functions: Using imperatives to give instruction LANGUAGE FOCUS: Using imperatives to give instructions E.g.;
