编辑: 雨林姑娘 | 2019-07-15 |
有瑞士风光之神韵的喀纳斯湖,四周群山巍峨、苍松翠柏,岸边桦林如染、绿茵青翠. 新疆山美.东部天山第一高峰博格达峰,峰顶冰川积雪,终年不化,银光闪烁,与山谷中的天池绿水相映成趣;
而完万山簇拥、群峰苍茫的帕米尔高原,既是万山之宗、世界之脊,又是一片能与心灵对话的地方,令人心旷神怡. 喀喇拉昆仑山是世界山岳冰川最发育的山系.它以崎岖的地形,高大的海拔和广泛的冰川而闻名于世.(332个字) (2)2016年12月"每月一译"优秀译文 一等奖古惠嫦 13英翻1班Xinjiang is the most attractive place that I have travelled. Waters in Xinjiang are clear and beautiful. In China, the mighty Irtysh River like a green streamer originated from Xinjiang is the only river that flows into the Arctic Ocean. The white wave boiling Tarim River here much alike a wild horse, is the largest inland river in China. The scenery of Kanas Lake is as charming as Switzerland surrounded by lofty mountains together with pines and verdant cypresses. The green spreading birches are side by side on the banks. Mountains are beautiful in Xinjiang. Mount Bogda, the highest peak in eastern Tianshan with gilttering pernnial ice and snow on the summit as well as the clear water in the valley casts beautiful reflections. While the Altai Mountain is charming and mysterious that it can be seen ubiquitously in Xinjiang, which has been acclaimed as "Golden Mountains" since ancient times. Huoyan Mountain lying across the central part of the Turban Basin is undulating along with many ravines shrouded in clouds regarded as a popular spot. Numerous hills and boundless rolling peaks are clustering around the Pamirs, which is not only the root among all the mountains but also the spine of the world. It is a wonderful place that people are able to have conversations with their soul and feel exhilarated. Kalala Kunlun Mountain is the most developed one among apline glaciers all over the world, which is famous for its rugged topography, high altitude and a wide range of glaciers. 一等奖徐美燕 13英翻2班Ihave been to many places, and the most beautiful place is Xinjiang. The water in Xinjiang is very beautiful. Irtysh River is the only mighty river flowing into the Arctic Ocean in China, like a green ribbon. Tarim River is the longest inland river in China with boiling silver waves flowing like a runaway horse. Kanas Lake has the charm of Switzerland scenery surrounded by towering mountains, green pines, verdant cypresses and dense birch forest. Mountains in Xinjiang are very beautiful. Mount Bogda is the highest peak of Snow Mountain to the East. The silver ice and snow at the top of the mountain persist throughout the year, which form a delightful contrast with green water in Tianchi at the valley. Honored as "Golden Hill" since ancient times, Altai Mountain is beautiful, mysterious and picturesque. Located at the middle part of Turpan basin, Flaming Mountain has rolling and gully topography, which is shrouded by clouds and densely populated. Embraced by numerous mountains, Pamirs Plateau is not only the ancestor of and numerous mountains and the spine of the world, but also a relaxing place where we can dialogue with our mind. Karakorum Mountain is the most developed mountain system of mountain glaciers in the world. It is renowned for rugged terrain, high elevation and extensive glaciers.