编辑: 赵志强 2019-07-16

3、产品(服务)水平 the level of products(service) 1)近二年国家监督/抽查情况: the results of the national surveillance of the recent two years 无不合格?No non-conformities 有不合格(请附上整改资料)Have non-conformities (attached with improved materials): 2)是否有客户质量重大投诉: if there is clients'

complaints affecting customers'

safety or environment 没有No 有,何时,何种情况Yes, when, what Ⅲ 相关方信息Information of related party

1、 贵公司主要客户讯息Customer Structure 客户名称Company 联系人 contact person 联系电话 Telephone 占产值的比例Turnover share % 是否有客户的特殊要求/规范?此点是进行审核安排时需考虑的重点.若有,请指出(例如::生产件批准、质量协议、法规要求等?): Are there special customers'

requirements / regulations for auditing that have to be taken into account C if yes, which ones, (e. g. release procedure, quality requirements) ? 客户是否对贵公司进行过评审或分级?例如::供货商评鉴、第二方审核的结果、或者是奖励?若有,请详细填写:Are there assessments / classifications made by the customer, e. g. supplier evaluation, audit results, awards ? 客户名称 Customer 审核依据 Regulation 结果/奖励 Regulation / Degree of Deployment 贵公司是否有外包加工(外协厂,分承包方)的过程?若有,这些厂商或过程是否也涵盖在质量体系的要求中?请说明:Are subsuppliers / subcontractors commissioned with manufacturing or refining your products, and are they demonstrably incorporated into the QM System and the requirements, (e. g. sampling) ? 分承包方/外协厂名称 Subsupplier / Subcontractor 联系人 contact person 联系电话 Telephone 加工种类/提供服务 Type of activity / service

5、 职业健康安全相关方,如:运输、装卸,在公司内作业的基础建设施工,明火作业,加工作业等 项目或作业 外包作业单位 联系人 contact person 联系电话 Telephone 安全协议

6、 环境相关方,如:危险废弃物的处置、危险化学品的运输、装卸、高污染作业外协、餐饮服务等 项目或作业 委托或外包作业单位 联系人 contact person 联系电话 Telephone 合同协议

7、 贵公司采购的主要原材料/半成品有哪些? 这些原材料供货商是否也在贵公司质量体系的控制下?请同时指出供货商依据的质量体系标准为何? What products / raw materials / semi-finished products / ... are purchased ? Are their suppliers incorporated into the QM System (please also refer to the suppliers'

QM Systems) ? 供货商名称 Supplier 联系人 contact person 联系电话 Telephone 提供产品/原材料/半成品 Products / raw materials / semi-finished products

8、 是否有客户提供的产品(客户财产)?(特别是和服务有关的部分),若有,请说明: Are customer-supplied products (in particular for service) relevant C if yes, which ones ? Ⅳ 体系概况:general situation of system

1、 是否已执行过内部审核wherther you have executed internal audit: 1.1 质量体系 QMS ? 未执行,计划于_何时?)执行.No, plan to execute on 有执行,并发现了_个不符合事项.Yes, and has found______non-conformities. 1.2 环境体系 EMS ? 未执行,计划于_何时?)执行.No, plan to execute on 有执行,并发现了_个不符合事项.Yes, and has found______non-conformities. 1.3 安全健康体系 OHS ? 未执行,计划于_何时?)执行.No, plan to execute on 有执行,并发现了_个不符合事项.Yes, and has found______non-conformities.
