编辑: 黎文定 | 2019-10-23 |
15 附录:答案
16 一.
19 第十一章 渠道策略
(一)中文题目 1.一.选择题: 1.以下概念是关于市场营销渠道宽度的是( ). 密集性分销 特许经营 直销 统一性分销 2.制造商尽可能地通过许多负责任的批发商、零售商推销其产品.这种分销渠道是( ). 选择分销 独家分销 大量分销 密集分销 3.一般来说,批发商最主要的类型是( 经纪人 商人批发商 代理商 制造商代表 4.下列组织中,( )不是营销中介单位. 中间商 供应商 银行 保险公司 5.产业用品渠道一般不包括( ) 批发商 代理商 制造商 零售商 6.生产者在某一地区仅通过少数几个精心挑选的中间商来分销产品,这是( )分销策略. 广泛 密集 强力 选择性 7.企业将产品通过自己设置的商店卖给消费者,通常称此营销行为是( ). 批发销售 间接销售 直接销售 寄售 8.服务很少,商品售价低廉,且多设于郊区、租金低廉的大型商店,称为( 折扣商店 仓库商店 便利商店 超级市场 9.企业向履行了推销、储存和账务记载的销售渠道成员所提供的折扣称为 现金折扣 数量折扣 交易折扣 折让 10.零售商业企业一方面向批发企业购进商品,另一方面再把商品销售给( ). 直接消费者 更小的零售商 连锁商店 小商、小贩 11.大型生产设备的分销应采用( ). 零级渠道 一级渠道 二级渠道 三级渠道 12.在某个目标市场上,电梯这种产品适合采用( )策略 广泛分销 选择性分销 独家分销 混合分销 13.房地产商品的流通宜采用( ) 长渠道 短渠道 多渠道 窄渠道 14.零级渠道通常也叫做( ). 直销 分销渠道 零售商 渠道流程 15.对市场容量大,而每次购买数量少的商品,在选择销售渠道时,宜采用( ). 宽渠道、长渠道 窄渠道、长渠道 宽渠道、短渠道 窄渠道、短渠道 16.运用尽可能多的分销点,使渠道尽可能加宽是( )分销形式. 分散型 密集型 多家 选择性 17.假若有4家企业通过一个中间商与6个顾客发生交易活动,其交易次数为( ). 4次 6次 10次12次18.制造商在某一地区通过最合适的几家中间商推销其产品,这种分销策略是( ). 密集分销 选择分销 独家分销 区域分销 19.对产品实体具有控制力并参与产品销售协商的代理商是( ). 产品经纪人 制造商代表 采购代理商 佣金商 20.当目标顾客人数众多时,生产者倾向于利用( ). 长而宽的渠道 短渠道 窄渠道 直接渠道 21.渠道的每个层次使用相同类型中间商数目的多少是指( ) 分销渠道的宽度 分销渠道的长度 分销渠道的广度 分销渠道的水平 22.企业对中间商的基本激励水平应以( )为基础. 中间商的业绩 企业实力 交易关系组合 市场形势 23.财务薄弱的企业,一般采用( )的分销方法. 选择分销 佣金制 代理 直销 24.一般而来,产品的价格越贵,就越应该使用( )渠道. 较长 密集性 较短 独家分销 25.经纪人与代理商具有的共同特点是他们都不拥有( ) 商品所有权 独立经营权 法人地位 经营场地 26.既不持有存货,又不参与融资或承担风险的商业单位是( ). 制造商代理 销售商代理 产品经纪人 佣金商 27.在评估渠道交替方案时,最重要的标准时( ). 控制性 经济性 适应性 可行性 28.非标准化产品或单位价值高的产品一般采取( ). 直销 广泛分配路线 密集分销 自动售货
(二)英文题目 1. Intermediaries who buy, take title to, and resell the merchandise are called a. retailers b. facilitators c. marketers d. agents e. merchants 2. Companies that search for customers and may negotiate on the producer'
s behalf but do not take title to the goods are called a. marketers b. merchants c. facilitators d. agents e. none of the above 3. A marketing channel system is the particular set of employed by a firm. Decisions about the marketing channel system are among the most critical facing a firm. a. marketing channels b. distribution/warehouse channels c. finance channels d. management channels e. advertising channels 4. A strategy involves the manufacturer using its sales force and trade promotion money to induce intermediaries to carry, promote, and sell the product to end users. a. push b. pull c. promote d. provide e. none of the above 5. A strategy involves the manufacturer using advertising and promotion to persuade consumers to ask intermediaries for the product, thus inducing the intermediaries to order it. a. push b. pull c. promote d. provide e. none of the above 6. A value network includes a firm'
s suppliers and its suppliers'
suppliers, and its immediate customers and their end a. retailers b. marketers c. shoppers d. customers e. procedures 6. In designing the marketing channel, the marketer must understand the service output levels desired by the target customers. Channels produce five service outputs. Which of the following is NOT one of these outputs? a. Product variety b. Entertainment shopping experience c. Spatial convenience d. Waiting and delivery time e. Lot size 7.distribution consists of the manufacturer placing his goods and services in as many outlets as possible. a. Selective b. Exclusive c. Intensive d. Shotgun e. Scattered 8. The main elements in the trade-relations mix are price policies, conditions of sale,and specific services to be performed by each party. a. competitive policies b. distribution policies c. service policies d. credit policies e. territorial rights 9. Each channel alternative needs to be evaluated against control, and adaptive criteria. a. economic b. manufacturing c. delivery d. financial e. timing issues 10. Regarding distribution systems, one of the most difficult decision that a firm must make at some time involves the channel strategy. a. discontinuing b. revising c. decreasing members d. increasing members e. scraping 11. A comprises the producer, wholesaler(s), and retailers(s) acting as a unified system. a. corporate VMS b. distributor relationship c. vertical marketing system d. distribution system e. administered system 12. A consists of independent firms at different levels of production and distribution integrating their programs on a contractual basis to obtain more economies or sales impact than they could achieve alone. a. contractual VMS b. distributor VMS c. administered VMS d. vertical marketing sys........