编辑: huangshuowei01 2015-08-04

1845 18.1 57.46 66.90 UK NBP Nat. Gas p/th 54.93

2531 2618 23.8

2430 2115 -1.81 11.9 0.4

2365 -0.05 23.4 2.9 51.74

8329 8000 LME Copper $/mt

7385 28.7

18600 18600

19709 17000

9629 9163

8993 7530

9000 9000 1.19 20.0 1.9

8614 26926

24191 22037

18396 0.02 28.5 4.5

23619 LME Nickel $/mt

16215 30.2

2042 1950 LME Zinc $/mt

1794 26.3

1840 1940

1693 1785

2414 2271

2247 1917

2200 2200 0.22 20.5 2.2

2333 1388

1508 1704

1685 COMEX Silver $/troy oz 2624.7 34.2 3.53 34.7 6.2

2652 3.27 22.7 5.4

1370 COMEX Gold $/troy oz

1550 21.0

715 715

643 715

3195 3832

3881 3183 30.7 32.4

786 745

690 615 29.8

3272 1.90 45.9 6.3

707 CBOT Wheat Cent/bu

746 31.6

1272 1550 CBOT Soybean Cent/bu

1404 25.3

625 625

641 625

1379 1361

1356 1175

1550 1550 1.73 30.5 7.7

1245 670

731 696

620 2.67 38.2 -3.5

562 CBOT Corn Cent/bu

652 30.6

93 80 NYBOT Cotton Cent/lb

70 n/a n/a 53.9 21.8

128 175

175 205

175 179

156 106

95 75

75 257

271 256

229 n/a 35.6 9.5

205 NYBOT Coffee Cent/lb

163 n/a

2308 2300 NYBOT Cocoa $/mt

2226 n/a 22.0 22.0

25 22.0

3307 3043

2962 2383

2300 2450 n/a 30.7 -2.8

2856 31

24 29

25 0.26 15.2

29 NYBOT Sugar Cent/lb 21.2 24.0

125 130.0 CME Live Cattle Cent/lb 119.3 n/a n/a 14.8 0.6

101 n/a 25.6 11.1

71 CME Lean Hog Cent/lb 93.9 n/a 95.0 95.0

87 95.0

111 111

115 121 125.0 130.0

86 94

94 88 38.1 Source: Goldman Sachs Global ECS Research.

2012 年6月30 日 全球 高盛全球经济、商品和策略研究

5 Revising UK NBP forecast on lower oil-indexed natural gas prices UK NBP prices have declined substantially in the past several weeks as continuing European concerns have affected the market directly by lowering demand expectations and, indirectly, as lower oil prices have weighed on forward oil-indexed natural gas prices (see Exhibits

1 and 2). Because of the wa........
