编辑: You—灰機 | 2016-09-03 |
35 were bought from a drugstore, Apotek Rosa, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. Each tablet contained CPA of 2mg and ethinyl-estradiol of 0.035mg. The tablets were grinded and the powder was suspended in 1% CMC (carboxymethyl cellulose). The suspension then given to the animals via oral of 1ml daily for
7 days. 2.3. Experimental Animals and Treatment Male Sprague-Dawley rats (Rattus novergicus) aged
10 C
12 weeks were used for the study. The animals and the food pellets were obtained from PT. Indoanilab Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. Rats were housed in a room at the temperature of 25°C and 12:12-hour light-dark cycle with free access to water and pellets ad libitum. All animal care and treatment procedures were approved by the Ethics Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung, Indonesia. By using a completely randomized design, the animals grouped in to four consisted of six rats each. Group
1 (control) was given
1 ml CMC 1%;
2 received pulp extract of pitaya fruit at a dose of 500mg/kg;
3 treated with CPA at a dose of 25mg/kg;
whereas group
4 adminstered with 25mg/kg CPA and 500mg/kg of pitaya fruit extract. All treatments was undertaken once daily for
25 days. 2.4. Blood and Testes Sampling For taking blood samples and the testes, the rats were sacrificed after being deeply anesthetized using ether, after the animals overnight fasted. The blood collected by cardiac puncture technique using open approach. By utilizing 20-25 gauge needle and 10-20 ml syringe the blood was drawn via vena cava of heart by slight negative pressure on the syringe. Blood samples, of about
3 ml, put into sterile empty cetrifuge tube without any anticoagulant and allowedto clot at room tempereture. The clot was removed by centrifugation at
2500 rpm for
15 minutes. The supernatant, designated serum, removed using a Pasteur pipette and stored at -20°C before assayed. Testis and epididymis is taken by dissecting the peritoneal cavity at the posterior part of the abdomen. Any excess fat or connective tissue removed from the sampled organs, and then both testis and epididymis weighed using analytical-density digital balance with readability of 0.0001g. 2.5. Androgen Assays Total serum testosterone was measured by radioimmunoassay (RIA) technique........