编辑: 5天午托 | 2019-06-30 |
b) 在(85±2)℃的恒温条件下放置 0.5h;
5 个循环,恢复 1h 后检查.状态转换时间不多于
1 小时.
5 cycles of: a) (-25±2)℃ 0.5h b) (85±2)℃ 0.5h Normal temperature and relative humidity 1h. Transition time should be less than 1h. 外观:无损伤 Appearance: No Damage 接触电阻:0.02Ω Max. LLCR: 0.02Ω Max. 5.3.7 盐雾 Salt Spray 把试验样品从试验箱顶悬挂下来,采用浓度为(5± 1)%(质量百分比)的氯化钠溶液, 连续雾化 24h,试验 后用流动的蒸溜水轻轻洗去表面沉积物.在常温常 湿条件下恢复 1~2h 16h exposure to a salt spray from the (5 ±1)% solution. 外观:无损伤(五金件应无露出底金属的严 重锈蚀;
使用预镀好的型材,其落料面允 许有不影响其性能的轻微腐蚀.) Appearance:No Damage (No erosion with material exposed. And with plating material, slight erosion on the cutting surface is acceptable)