编辑: 思念那么浓 | 2019-07-01 |
30 米,高38 米,顶上有个大金球. i. 三重檐靠
28 根大木柱支撑,当中的四根叫龙井柱,代表四季. j. 里面那圈
12 根柱子象征一年
12 个月,外圈的
12 根柱子表示
12 个时辰,内外两 圈24 根柱子又象征中国农 / 旧历的
24 个节气.明、清皇帝每年农历正月十五就 在祈年殿祈求丰收. 2. 对话练习 主:斯通先生和夫人,欢迎你们到北京来.我是外事办公室的刘联生,你们在北京 期间由我担任向导,我将尽力使你们在北京过得愉快. 宾:How do you do? Mr. Liu, it'
s very kind of you to come to meet us at the airport. Unit
1 现代汉译英口译教程 练习册 技巧练习课文练习应变能力练习练习答案主:一路上辛苦了. 宾:Well, it was a long but smooth flight and we'
ve enjoyed watching the beautiful passing landscape from the plane. 主:斯通先生和夫人是第一次来北京吗? 宾:Oh yes, that'
s why we'
re so excited. In fact, we'
ve been looking forward to the trip for quite a few years. You know, we'
ve learned about the splendid civilization of China ever since our childhood, and I understand that Beijing is a city with a very long history. 主:是这样,北京是座有 3,000 年历史的古都,早在公元前
11 世纪就是燕国的国 都,因此北京有燕京之称. 北京又是一座年轻的现代化大都市,有许多新的建筑,包括许多摩天大厦 和直通快车道. 宾:Yes, we'
ve been reading about the rapid development of the city and the construction of many magnificent buildings. But I'
m an architect and my wife is a history teacher, so we'
re naturally more interested in traditional structures and old buildings and their history. 主:那好,北京有许多名胜古迹.从长城、故宫、天坛到四合院,你们可以看到北 京保留了许多昔日的风采. 宾:Great! My, this is a beautiful boulevard, and look at the bicycles;
ve never seen so many of them in all my life! If I'
m not mistaken, this must be the famous Tian'
anmen Square. 主:说得对!天安门广场占地
40 公顷,据说是全世界城市里的这类广场中最大的. 你们看,大街这边就是故宫,也叫紫禁城,前面那两个雕刻着图案的白色大理 石柱子叫做华表,也是北京的一个象征. 宾:What are those on the top of the pillars? 主:那是两只奇兽,一个脸朝外,一个脸朝里.传说脸朝外的那个是提醒外出游玩的 皇帝回宫料理国事,而脸朝里的那个是提醒长期深居宫内的皇帝........