编辑: 阿拉蕾 | 2019-07-03 |
a plant until it learns it'
s undesirable. When food is limited, deer may feed on less favorable plants. In late summer and fall, deer may sample plants ignored throughout the season. Because deer feed most actively in early spring and early fall, choose the most resistant varieties possible (Code A) for these times of year. We'
ve put together this list of Plants Deer Dislike based on our more than
35 years of experience in the industry and other sources. For more information about controlling deer, please speak with one of our Plant Specialists. Credit goes to Rutgers University. SUNNY PERENNIALS Perennials are Alphabetical by Botanical Name on the Tables Code Botanical Name Common Name Code Botanical Name Common Name B Achillea Yarrow Callirhoe involucrate Purple Poppy Mallow A Acorus Sweet Flag Caltha palustris Marsh Marigold B Agapanthus Lily of the Nile C Campanula Bellflower A Agastache Hyssop A Caryopteris cyanus Bluebeard Ajania pacifica (Chrysanthemum) Silver and Gold B Centaurea Bachelor Button A Allium Onion, Chives, Garlic Centranthus ruber Jupiter'
s Beard Alyssum montanum Mountain Madwort B Ceratostigma plumbaginoides Plumbago, Leadwort Alyssum saxatile Madwort B Cimicifuga Bugbane B Amsonia Blue Star Flower A Coreopsis auriculata Large leaf Tickseed B Angelica Angelica archangelica A Coreopsis verticillata Tickseed B Aquilegia Columbine B Crocosmia Crocosmia A Arabis Rock Crest Delosperma cooperi Ice Plant A Arctostaphylos Bearberry B Delphinium Larkspur B Armeria maritima Common Thrift Dendranthema Chrysanthemum A Artemisia Silver mound/Wormwood B Dianthus Carnation/Pinks B Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Weed B Dictamnus albus Gas Plant B Aster Aster A Digitalis Foxglove Asteromoea (Kalimeris) Japanese Aster Dodecatheon Shooting Star B Aurinia saxatilis Basket of Gold A Echinops Globe Thistle Ballota Black Horehound Erysium Siberian Wallflower A Baptisia australis False Blue Indigo B Eupatorium coelestinum Hardy Ageratum B Bergenia Pig Squeak Eupatorium purpureum Joe Pye Weed Belamcanda Blackberry Lily A Euphorbia Spurge B Boltonia asteroides White Boltonia Fallopia japonica '
Fleece Flower A Buddleia Butterfly Bush C Filipendula Meadowsweet C Gaillardia Blanket Flower Revised 6/2015 merrifieldgardencenter.com
3 SUNNY PERENNIALS continued Perennials are Alphabetical by Botanical Name on the Tables Code Botanical Name Common Name Code Botanical Name Common Name Gaura Whirling Butterflies B Salvia Meadow Sage C Geranium Cranesbill A Santolina Lavender Cotton Geum Avens B Saponaria Soapwort Glechoma hederacea Ground Ivy B Scabiosa Pin Cushion Flower Goniolimon Tatarian Statice B Sempervivum Hens &
Chicks B Gypsophilia paniculata Baby'
s Breath Senecio Golden Groundsel B Hibiscus, moscheutos Hardy Hibiscus Sisyrinchium Blue Eyed Grass B Hypericum St. John'
s Wort B Solidago Golden Rod A Hyssopus officnalis Hyssop A Stachys byzantina Lamb'
s Ear B Iberis sempervirens Candytuft B Stokesia Stokes Aster A Juncus Soft Rush A Tanacetum Common Tansy Knautia Field Scabious Thermopsis Carolina Lupine B Kniphofia Red Hot Poker, Torchlily A Thymus Thyme Lathyrus Sweet Pea B Verbascum Mullein A Lavandula Lavender B Verbena Verbena C Leucanthemum x superbum Shasta Daisy B Veronica Speedwell B Liatris Gay feather, Blazing Star Veronica noveboracensis Iron Weed Lilium lancifolium Tiger Lily A Limonium latifolium Statice A Linaria vulgaris Toadflax Linum perenne Flax Lithodora Lithodora B Lychnis Maltese Cross A Miscanthus sinensis Japanese Silver Grass B Monarda Bee balm A Nepeta Catmint/Catnip C Oenothera Sun drops Opuntia Hardy Cactus A Paeonia Peony A Papaver Oriental Poppy A Pennisetum Fountain Grass C Penstemon Beard Tongue A Perovskia Russian Sage A Phlomis Jerusalem Sage B Physostegia Obedient Plant C Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon Flower A Potentilla Cinquefoil A Ranunculus Buttercup Ratibida Prairie Coneflower B Rheum Ornamental Rhubarb B Rudbeckia Black eyed Susan A Ruta sp. Rue Key: A = Rarely Damaged B = Seldom Severely Damage C = Occasionally Severely Damaged Revised 6/2015 merrifieldgardencenter.com