编辑: 阿拉蕾 | 2019-07-03 |
4 SHADE PERENNIALS Perennials are Alphabetical by Botanical Name on the Tables Shade Plants are located in the backside of the Perennial House Key: A = Rarely Damaged B = Seldom Severely Damage C = Occasionally Severely Damaged Code Botanical Name Common Name Code Botanical Name Common Name A Aconitum Monkshood Adenophora Ladybells B Maclayea Plume Poppy A Aegopodium Bishops Weed A Matteuccia struthiopteris Ostrich Fern A Ageratum Floss Flower Mazus Mazus A Ajuga Bugleweed B Mertensia virginica Virginia Blue Bells B Anemonella Rue Anemone Mitchella repens Partridge Berry A Arisaema Jack-in-the-Pulpit A Molinia Purple Moorgrass A Arum Painted Arum A Myosotis Forget-Me-Not B Aruncus Goat'
s Beard A Onoclea sensibilis Sensitive Fern A Asarum Ginger Onopordum acanthium Thistle (biennial) A Asperula Woodruff A Osmunda regalis Royal Fern B Astilbe Astilbe B Oxalis Wood Sorrel Brunnera False Forget-Me-Not A Pachysandra Spurge B Cerastium tomentosum Snow in Summer Persicaria Fleece Flower B Cheiranthus Wallflower B Phalaris arundinacea Ribbon Grass C Chelone Turtlehead A Podophyllum MayApple Chrysogonum virginianum Goldenstate B Polemonium Jacob'
s Ladder A Convallaria Lily-of-the-Valley A Polystichum acrostichoides Christmas Fern Corydalis lutea Yellow Bleeding Heart Porteranthus (Gillenia) Bowman'
s Root B Cyclamen Hardy Cyclamen B Primula Primrose A Dennstaedtia Hay-Scented Fern A Pulmonaria Lungwort A Dicentra Bleeding Heart Pulsatilla vulgaris Pasque Flower Dracocephalum Dragonhead Pycnanthemum Mountain Mint A Dryopteris Wood, Autumn Fern A Rodgersia Rodger'
s Flower A Epimedium Barrenwort Rubus calycinoides Ornamental Raspberry C Erigeron Fleabane Daisy Sagina Pearlwort Erodium Heron'
s Bill A Sarcococca Sweetbox B Erythronium Trout Lily Scutellaria Skullcap A Galium Sweet Woodruff C Symphytum Comfrey B Gaultheria Wintergreen Stylophorum diphyllum Wood Poppy A Helleborus Lenten Rose A Teucrium Germander Hepatica Hepatica A Thalictr........