编辑: 没心没肺DR 2019-07-03

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2 年7月农业机械学报第43 卷第7期DOI:10.

6041 / j. issn. 1000鄄1298. 2012. 07.

038 基于双目视觉的复合肥颗粒检测系统* 唐启敬摇 赵铁石摇 边摇 辉摇 田行斌摇 耿明超摇 周摇 游 (燕山大学机械工程学院, 秦皇岛 066004) 摇摇揖摘要铱摇 提出了一种针对高粉尘强腐蚀环境的复合肥颗粒双目视觉检测系统. 首先分析检测系统使用需求, 提出实现连续大样本快速检测、实时显示结果、防腐除尘等功能的设计要求;


3 种双目视觉检测方案并进行对 比,确定双目线阵 CCD 检测为可行方案. 接着对系统硬件进行配置,并进行防腐除尘设计. 为提高检测精度对电 磁振动给料机进行自适应伺服控制,采用双相机并行的图像处理程序. 对检测系统进行粒度分布实验,结果表明, 检测系统误差在 依3% 范围内,满足实际应用要求. 关键词: 复合肥摇 检测系统摇 双目视觉摇 粒度分布 中图分类号: TP242郾6;

S126 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1000鄄1298(2012)07鄄0206鄄06 Compound Fertilizer Particle Inspection System Based on Binocular Vision Tang Qijing摇Zhao Tieshi摇Bian Hui摇Tian Xingbin摇Geng Mingchao摇Zhou You (College of Mechanical Engineering, Yanshan University, Qinhuangdao 066004, China) Abstract Aiming at the compound fertilizer particle inspection for strong corrosive and high dust environment, a kind of inspection system based on binocular vision was proposed. Firstly, using demand of the inspection system was analyzed, and the design requirements which can realize the continuous large sample testing, and result online showing and granulator closed鄄loop controlling were put forward. Then three binocular visual inspection plans were proposed and compared. Binocular linear CCD inspection was sure for the feasible plan. Hardware configuration, anti鄄corrosion and dust removal were designed. In order to improve the precision, electromagnetic vibration feeder was servo controlled, which was feedback by robot vision. Also, double cameras parallel image processing program was used. Finally, particle size distribution experiment was executed. The results show that the system error is within 依3% , facilitative for practical application. Key words摇Compound fertilizer, Inspection system, Binocular vision, Particle size distribution 收稿日期:

2011 06 18摇 修回日期:

2011 08

14 *国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)资助项目(2009AA04Z205)和国家自然科学基金资助项目(50975244) 作者简介: 唐启敬,博士生,主要从事智能机器人技术研究,E鄄mail: qjtang@ ysu. edu. cn 通讯作者: 赵铁石,教授,博士生导师,主要从事智能机器人技术研究,E鄄mail: tszhao@ ysu. edu. cn 摇摇引言 目前复合肥生产过程中,调节造粒工艺参数的 方法仍然停留在人眼判断,依据个人经验调整阶段. 这种调节方法虽然速度快,但是精度低,检测样本 少、随机性大,造成大量原料和能源浪费,生产效率 低、成本高、不易实现自动化. 急需开发能连续、动 态检测颗粒大小并快速计算各粒级颗粒质量分数的 检测装置. 近几年,视觉检测技术应用越来越广泛,双目视 觉的关键技术也逐渐被解决[1 ~ 8] . 激光衍射、散射技术已成为颗粒检测的主流,但 一般的激光检测设备不适合在复合肥颗粒检测中应 用[9 ~ 10] . 首先,为使检测结果能真实反映造粒情 况,需进行大样本检测,检测质量至少达到
