编辑: star薰衣草 | 2019-07-04 |
6 November
2017 Parties to the Jiayu Investment Agreement (1) Kailong Real Estate;
(2) Hengda Real Estate;
(3) Mr. Hui Ka Yan;
and (4) 嘉寓汽车配件宁夏(有限合夥) (Jiayu Vehicle Accessories Ningxia LLP). C
5 C Jiayu is a limited partnership principally engaged in the trading of vehicles and vehicle parts, and equity investment. To the best knowledge of the Directors, having made all reasonable enquiries, Jiayu and its ultimate beneficial owners are independent of and not connected with the Company or its connected persons. Amount of capital to be contributed under the Jiayu Investment Agreement Pursuant to the terms of the Jiayu Investment Agreement, Jiayu will subscribe for new capital in Hengda Real Estate for RMB5,000,000,000, which toget........