编辑: 252276522 | 2019-07-05 |
16 表格十六 OPTIONAL 需要时交回 Electrical Items Order Form -continued 电力设施租用申请表 -续CPS12- L&
F Deadline 递交期限:
1 Feb
2012 2012 年2月1日Page
3 of
3 | 第3 页,共3 页Terms and Conditions of Order Forms
14 -
18 适用于申请表十四至十八之条款与细则 1. Order form will only be proceeded with full payment and installation location plan. 申请必须连同全数付额证明和设施安装位置图方为有效. 2. Late order received on or after
1 March
2012 will be subject to a 50% surcharge (more than or equal to 50%).
2012 年3 月1 日或以后收到的订单将增收不低于50%附加费. 3. Cancellation of orders will only be accepted in written on or before
1 March 2012. 取消租用服务/设施申请必须在2012 年3 月1 日或以前以书面提出,3 月1 日后将不接受取消申请. 4. For items marked with # , exhibitor must indicate the location for installation, including height from the ground if necessary, by completing and submitting Form
18 on or before
1 February 2012, otherwise the Official Standfitting Contractors will install at their discretion. Any re-positioning onsite will be subject to surcharge of 30% of unit cost for power main, water and compressed air, and RMB
100 for furniture item, lighting and socket. 如租用带 # 号的设施, 参展商必须在表格十八中标出适当的安装位置, 包括离地高度(如需要), 并于2012 年2 月1 日或之前交回表格.否则, 大会指定承建商会代为安装, 而现场更改位置将每次收取附加费:电 源箱, 来去水和压缩空气收取单价的30%;
而家具, 灯具和插座收取人民币100 元. 5. For items marked with + , the deposit will be refunded after deduction of incurred charges and damage costs, if any. 如租用带 + 号的设施,押金将于扣除所需费用及赔偿费用(如有)之后退回. 6. All items are on rental basis and exhibitor will have to make good of any damage or loss. 所有物品都以租赁为原则,物品必须保持完好无损. 7. Any complaint regarding rental furniture/installation must be lodged the day before the exhibition commences, otherwise they are deemed to be received in good condition. 任何关于租赁家具和装置的投诉必须在展览会开幕前一天提出,否则将被视为完好无缺. 8. 220V socket is NOT allowed to be used for lighting connection purpose. 所有220 伏单相插座不可用于照明用途. 9. Exhibitor with very sensitive equipment is advised to bring their own stabilizer to cater for voltage fluctuation. 参展商若有非常敏感的设备,请自行准备稳压器以控制电压. 10. Power main for lighting / machine should be ordered separately. Each power main / socket, compressed air or water supply is for use of ONE elect........