编辑: xiong447385 | 2019-07-05 |
Burns in Yonkers, New York. Given the task of moving debris from the ground floor to the upper level of the factory, he thought of using a hoisting platform, but realized they were unreliable and often failed. Otis invented a safety device which prevented the platform from falling if the rope failed, making the task safer. Initially, Otis thought very little of his invention. Back then, he couldn'
t have imagined the influence his safety device would have on the development of the elevator and its role in allowing the construction of tall buildings. Since 1851, the world'
s population has increased by more than
6 billion people and is continuing to grow rapidly. Every year there is less area per person to live on making land more scarce and more valuable, and increasing the need to build taller. 介绍 1851年,奥的斯?以利沙是纽约扬克斯美姿 奔驰公司的一个工厂经理并兼职从事发明 工作.在接到一项把瓦砾从工厂一楼运到 上面楼层的任务后,他先想到了用升降平 台,但发现他们并不可靠,而且常常出现 故障.于是奥的斯发明了一种安全装置. 这种装置能在绳索出现故障时防止平台掉 落,提高了执行任务时的安全性. 最初,奥的斯并没想到这是一项发明.那时,他无法想象到他发明的安全装置对以 后电梯的发展及其在高楼建设中所具有的 影响力. 从1851年至今,世界人口已增长至60多亿.人口快速增长的势头仍在继续.人均 占有适宜居住的土地面积每年在减少,这 使得适宜居住的土地变得更加稀缺,更有 价值,于是建造高楼变得日益迫切. 香港的发展显示了人口增长如何改变了许 多世界上的大城市.1851年,香港人口约 为33,000.图1为拍摄于1869年和1900年之 间某个时间的香港中环的照片.图2是今
854 | CTBUH
2014 Shanghai Conference Hong Kong provides an illustration of how population growth has shaped many of the world'
s major cities. Hong Kong had population of around 33,000 in 1851. Figure
1 is a photograph of Central Hong Kong taken some time between
1869 and 1900. This is contrasted with Figure
2 which is an image of the same area today, an area which is now estimated by countryeconomy.com to be home to more than 7.1 million people. Cities like Hong Kong have been able to continue to accommodate increasing populations by building upwards, with more tall buildings being constructed every year. Elevators have a major role in allowing access to tall buildings, on the development of our cities and the way we all live. Every day there are more than
7 billion elevator journeys taken in buildings all over the world - the equivalent ........