编辑: 苹果的酸 2019-07-12

s cooperation structures [2] as the underlying coalition formation model. Coalition formation requires determining the value of various coalitions. GSPs will employ heuristics in determining these values. We design one such heuristic that can be used by the GSPs. It is likely that GSPs will derive different heuristics that bene?t themselves and consequently, they would be unwilling to share them. We examine this situation and show that GSPs can bene?t from different heuristics if they share the results. Finally, we propose a resource management system that facil- itates VO formation by providing the necessary structures for GSP information control and exchange. B. Related Work An important research topic in grid computing is the forma- tion of virtual organizations. A Virtual Organization (VO) is an alliance among GSPs to collaborate and to pool their resources to compute large scale applications [1]. VO requirements for a grid architecture are discussed in [3]. Dynamic VO formation among autonomous agents and the management of such VOs are examined in [4]. VO formation in the CONOISE project is described in [5]. Furthermore, [6] describes the mecha- nisms for supporting dynamic VO formation and operation in CONOISE-G. VO formation requires resource discovery, which is a time consuming process. In [7], agents offering similar resources or composite resources form communities that are registered with the resource discovery service, thus, minimizing discovery costs. Coalitional game theory can be used to model VO formation among GSPs. Coalitional game theory examines the interactions between groups of decision makers. A good reference for coalitional game theory is [8]. One to........
