编辑: 元素吧里的召唤 2019-07-16
第19 卷第1期2017 年1月科技与管理Science- Technology and Management Vol.

19 No.

1 Jan. ,

2017 产业与区域经济 文章编号:

1008 - 7133( 2017)

01 -

0001 -

07 辽宁省污染密集型产业绿色增长效率测度研究 曲英1,刘炜1,周文杰

2 ( 1. 大连理工大学 管理与经济学部, 辽宁 大连 116024;

2. 大连理工大学 人文与社会科学学部, 辽宁 大连 116024) 摘要: 产业增长在带来工业文明与经济繁荣的同时, 也造成了极为严重的环境污染, 尤其是污染密集 型产业的发展.可见, 中国经济要想实现绿色增长, 首先需要进行污染密集型产业的绿色改革与转型. 因此, 选取辽宁省污染密集型产业为例, 运用 DEA 模型对其 2011―2013 年的绿色增长效率进行了测度 评价.研究表明: 2011―2013 年间, 辽宁省污染密集型产业绿色增长效率整体逐渐提升;

农副食品加工 业等

5 个行业绿色增长效率保持 0.

9 以上, 波动较小, 食品制造业等

3 个行业绿色增长效率上升势头突 出;

根据绿色增长效率的平均值对污染密集型产业进行了高低层级划分, 并对处于低层级的产业趋势及 变化原因进行了分析.根据所得结果, 提出政策激励、 整合行业资源、 发展产业集群等措施以提高绿色 增长效率. 关键词: 污染密集型产业;


DEA 模型;

辽宁省 DOI: 10.

16315 /j. stm. 2017. 01.

001 中图分类号: F

205 文献标志码: A 收稿日期:

2016 -

11 -

02 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目( 71473029) ;

国家自然科学基金重大国际合作研究项目( 71320107006) ;

国家社会科学基金项目( 12BZX089) 作者简介: 曲英( 1971―) , 女, 教授, 博士生导师;

刘炜( 1991―) , 男, 硕士研究生;

周文杰( 1968―) , 女, 教授, 博士生导师. Research on green growth efficiency measurement of pollution- intensive industries taking Liaoning province as a case QU Ying1 , LIU Wei1 , ZHOU Wen- jie2 ( 1. Faculty of Management and Economics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024, China;

2. Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024, China) Abstract: Industry growth can promote industrial civilization and economic prosperity,but it can result in devasta- ting environmental pollution in the meantime,especially the growth of pollution- intensive industry. The green growth of industries,including the pollution- intensive ones,is the priority to green economic growth. This paper u- ses DEA model to estimate the green growth efficiency of pollution- intensive industries in Liaoning province from

2011 to 2013. The results indicate that the green growth efficiency of pollution- intensive industries improves gradu- ally on a whole since

2011 to 2013. Specifically,the green growth efficiency of five industries,including the agri- cultural and sideline food processing industry,remained above 0.

9 and fluctuates within a narrow range;

the effi- ciency of food manufacturing industry and the other two industries increased significantly. We classify these

11 in- dustries into

2 level according to whether the efficiency is above the average level or not,and then analyze the rea- sons of the lower efficiency and its trend variation. According to the results, the paper puts forward some measures for developing the green growth efficiency,such as implement policy incentives,integrating resources of industries, establishing industrial clusters. Keywords: pollution- intensive industries;
