编辑: 鱼饵虫 2019-07-16
第41 卷第4期北京体育大学学报Vol?

41 No?

4 2018 年4月Journal of Beijing Sport University Apr?

2018 投稿日期:2016 -

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14 修稿日期:2018 -

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27 基金项目:国家社会科学基金项目(项目编号:13BTY058)? 作者简介:郭玉成?教授?博士?博士研究生导师?新闻传播学博士后?研究方向武术传播、民族传统体育历史与文化? 夏柏华教授访谈录 郭玉成1 ?徐贵华2 ?王琨1 ?李守培1 ?崔晨1 (1? 上海体育学院武术学院?上海 200438?2? 扬州大学体育学院?江苏 扬州 225127) 摘要:口述史以口述的形式追忆历史?以口语化的形式表述历史?以口述者的经验与学识讲述历史?让后 人能从 人 的角度认识历史、理解历史、感知历史?从而传承历史与其承载的文化? 武术家口述史研究?聚 焦武术家这一武术领域极具代表性的群体?为中国武术史补充口述历史史实?使武术史 见事更见人 ?这 是丰富和完善当代中国武术史不可或缺的重要方法和关键路径? 以新中国武术发展和个人经历为主线? 运用口述史研究方法?经制订提纲、初访交流、正式采访、文字整理、史实考证等步骤?访谈整理了武术家夏 柏华教授的武术经历及其参与的武术史事?旨在推进新中国武术史研究与建设? 内容包括:竞技武术训 练、竞技武术套路比赛与执裁、武术散打试点与规则制定、撰写与主编武术教材、电视剧武术指导工作、武 术研究院工作、武术交流活动、师徒传承、职业经历总结等? 关键词:武术?夏柏华?武术家?口述史?武术传播 doi:10.

19582 / j.cnki.11

3785 / g8.2018.04.020 中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007 - 3612(2018)04 -

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08 Interview with Professor XIA Baihua GUO Yu~cheng1 ? XU Gui~hua2 ? WANG Kun1 ? LI Shou~pei1 ? CUI Chen1 (1. School of Wushu? Shanghai University of Sport? Shanghai 200438? China? 2. Institute of Physical Education? Yangzhou University? Yangzhou 225127? Jiangsu China) Abstract:Oral history recalls history in oral form? expresses history in colloquial form? reviews history with dictator?s experience and knowledge? enables posterity to recognize history? understand history and perceive history from the perspective of human ? so as to inherit the culture of history and its carrying. Oral history study of Wushu master? focusing on the representative group of martial arts in the field of martial arts? complements the historical facts of the history of the Chinese Wushu history? makes the history of Wushu see more people? and is an important way to enrich and perfect the contemporary Chinese Wushu history. Taking the development of Chi~ nese Wushu and personal experiences as the main line? this interview collates the Wushu experience and Wushu history of Mr. Xia Baihua through five steps of outline formulating? initial visiting and communication? formal in~ terviews? text arrangement and historical facts research by the method of oral history research. This study aims at promoting the research and construction of Wushu history. The content of this interview includes competitive Wushu training? competition and referee of competitive Wushu routines? pilot of Wushu Sanda and rules making? writing and editing Wushu teaching materials? the guidance of Wushu TV serials? working in Wushu Research In~ stitute? Wushu communication activities? mentorship inheritance and summary of professional experiences? etc. Keywords:Wushu? Xia Baihua? Wushu master? oral history? Wushu communication 时间:2015 年7月12―14 日 地点:夏柏华教授北京家中 采访:郭玉成 徐贵华 摄像:王琨文字整理:徐贵华 王琨李守培 受访者简历: 夏柏华?男?1937 年生?安微郎溪人?中国武术九段?国 际级武术裁判?全国 十大武术名教授 之一?国家体育总局 武术研究院首批专家委员会委员?
