编辑: 于世美 2017-10-01
参考译文: Hippo Meat-Munching May Explain Their Anthrax Outbreaks 河马也吃肉 Hippopotamuses.

People usually think of them as massive, lumbering hulks of plant-eating muscle. Reports do crop up of hippos snacking on crocs or chowing down on a drowned wildebeest. Those anecdotes are often dismissed as aberrant behaviors―opportunistic protein snacks added to a diet made mostly of salad. But it turns out that hungry, hungry hippos intentionally seek out the sweet, sweet taste of animal flesh. 人们通常认为河马是大型的食草性动物.也有关于河马食用卡路驰或者咀嚼淹死羚羊的报道.但这些报道经常被当做异常行为而为人们所忽视――偶尔在沙拉中加一些蛋白质零食.但是事实证明,饥饿难耐的河马会特意去寻找鲜美可口的肉食. "We saw a bunch of wild dogs come and attack an impala, and the impala jumped into the water, tried to swim across the little lake, and the hippo killed it. Then a few minutes later, that hippo and a bunch of other hippos started eating on that impala." 我们亲眼看到一群野狗来攻击黑斑羚羊,黑斑羚羊跳入河里试图游过小湖,然后河马将其杀害.几分钟之后,这只河马和其他几同类开始享受这顿盛宴. University of Alaska research Joseph P. Dudley was in Zimbabwe studying elephants when he saw this scene play out more than

20 years ago. 阿拉斯加大学的研究员,Joseph P. Dudley20年前在津巴布韦研究大象时,看到了上述的场面. "About that time, the wild dogs caught and killed another impala right next to the edge of the water hole, and three hippos came out of the water and tried to take away the carcass of the impala, the antelope, from the wild dogs. As far as I had ever heard, hippos didn't do either of these things." 同时,那群野狗在湖边捕杀了另外一只羚羊,三只河马游出水中,试图从野狗嘴中抢走黑斑羚羊的尸体.我之前也听到,河马是不吃肉的. We now know that carnivory is actually common among hippos. And meat-eating could explain what's been a hippo public health mystery: anthrax outbreaks happen naturally among African herbivores, but the pattern of anthrax transmission in hippos has always puzzled researchers. Could their hankering for meat explain it? 现在我们知道,河马主要以植物为食.但是食肉可以解释河马的健康之谜:炭疽热在非洲的食草动物中爆发,但是河马中炭疽的传播途径一直困扰着研究人员.河马渴望肉食可以解释这个谜团吗? Dudley's latest research suggests that the hippos' could owe their unique susceptibility to anthrax die-offs to their practice of eating meat that carries the infection―including the bodies of other dead hippos. The study is in the journal Mammal Review. 杜德利最新的研究表明,河马易感染炭疽热是因为它们经常食用携带病毒的肉食――如,其他河马的尸体.该研究结果发表在《哺乳动物评估》杂志上 And that means that humans who come into contact with hippo meat need to take care. At least

511 Zambians became infected, and five died, because they handled or consumed hippo meat during a

2011 anthrax outbreak among the amphibious mammals. That's one advantage of being a vegetarian―for both hippos and humans. 这意味着,接触到河马肉的人员需要得到关注.至少511个赞比亚人感染,5人死亡.因为,在2011年,两栖动物中爆发炭疽疫情时,这些人曾接触或食用河马肉.但是这也是素食性动物的,如人和海马一大优点啊. 听力原文: Hippo Meat-Munching May Explain Their Anthrax Outbreaks Hippopotamuses. People usually think of them as massive, lumbering hulks of plant-eating muscle. Reports do crop up of hippos snacking on crocs or chowing down on a drowned wildebeest. Those anecdotes are often dismissed as aberrant behaviors―opportunistic protein snacks added to a diet made mostly of salad. But it turns out that hungry, hungry hippos intentionally seek out the sweet, sweet taste of animal flesh. "We saw a bunch of wild dogs come and attack an impala, and the impala jumped into the water, tried to swim across the little lake, and the hippo killed it. Then a few minutes later, that hippo and a bunch of other hippos started eating on that impala." University of Alaska research Joseph P. Dudley was in Zimbabwe studying elephants when he saw this scene play out more than
