编辑: NaluLee 2018-04-13

if not, please fill in with "none". 是否有亲属、男(女)朋友或朋友与中天城投集团有业务往来,或存在利益关系?请如实填写. Do you have relatives or friends currently have business relationship or interest relationship with our companies?please fill in. 是否有重大疾病史、或慢性疾病情况,请如实填写. Do you have a major disease, or chronic disease,please fill in. 本人承诺Declaration 我谨此承诺以上所述内容无虚假、不实、夸大之处,以及未隐瞒对我应聘不利的事实或情况.本人同意应聘公司可对本人提供的应聘信息及资料进行核查及背景调查,如有虚报或瞒报,本人愿意接受被应聘公司无条件解雇及承担其它一切后果. I certify that the information provided above is authentic, correct and without hiding anything harmful to my application. Investigation of candidates and background check and consent to my employers offer.I understand that deliberately providing false information could result in unconditional dismissal and that I will assume all other consequences. 请在此抄写以上承诺: 应聘人确认签字:日期: Applicant's Signature Date
