编辑: 霜天盈月祭 2016-03-03


effect on global warming for that entity , 减少或抵消任何实体(个人、企业、国家等)所产生的任何温室气体,使该实体不影响到全球气候暖化的概念 , No , CO2 Offsets , 碳抵消 / 碳补偿 , A?carbon offset?is a reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide or?greenhouse gases?made in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere , 碳抵消是为了补偿或抵消其他地方所排放的二氧化碳或温室气体 , No , Code of practice , 实践守则 , Set of guidelines and/or regulations to be followed by members of some profession, trade, occupation, organization etc.;

does not normally have the force of law , 一些专业、行业、职业与组织等成员所遵循的准则和/或规,通常不具有法律效力 , DESTINATION In-C3.b , Community consent , 社区同意 , Often annotated as free, prior, and informed, consent, community consent indicates approval of any outside incursion or development into community lands or practices. Consent does not require unanimity among all of the members of a community. Rather, consent should be determined pursuant to customary law and practice, or in some other way agreed upon by the community. , 经常批注为自由、事先、知情与同意.社区同意为准许任何来自外部发展专案进入社区土地或经营,并不需要社区成员全体同意,而是应当根肮叻ê凸呃,或以社区同意的其他某种方式来决定. , A8 (community) consent , Compliance , 符合要求 , Conformity in fulfilling official requirements. , 符合官方要求 , A2, A7, A8, D3.5, D3.6 , Merriam-Webster Conservation , 保育 , Planned management of a natural resource to prevent exploitation, destruction, or neglect , 自然资源的计划性管理,以防止剥削、破坏或忽视 , D1.3, D1.4, D3.1 NB energy and water , Merriam-Webster Conservation management , 保育管理 , Conservation management is a planned intervention in order to maintain a species or habitat in a favourable condition , 保育管理是一种计划性干预,目的是确保物种或栖息地处於有利条件 , D3.1 , Continuous improvement , 持续改善 , An ongoing effort to make incremental improvements to products, services or processes over time. Processes are constantly audited and modified based on their efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability , 持续不断的努力,随著时间而逐步改进产品、服务或流程.其流程根湫省⒂行院涂沙中越谐中纳蟛橛胄拚 , A1 , Corrective Action Plan , 修正的行动计画 , Corrective action provides that a problem has been recognized, corrected, and proper controls installed to make sure that it does not happen again. , ........
