编辑: 枪械砖家 | 2013-01-09 |
? int flag=0;
? struct node *p,*q;
? printf("Please input book name\n");
? printf("name:");
? p=head;
? while(p!=NULL) ? { ? while(p!=NULL &&(strcmp(p->name,sn)!=0)) ?? { q=p;
} ? if((strcmp(p->name,sn)==0)&& p!=NULL) ? { ?? flag=1;
?? printf(name??? price?? publshier\n");
?? printf("Book Found:? %s????? %5.2f??? %s\n",p->name,p->price,p->pub);
?? printf("Do you want to del this book(y/n)");
?? scanf("\n%c",&s);
?? if(s=='y' || s=='Y') ?? { ???? if(p==head)head=p->link;
???? else q->link=p->link;
???? free(p);
???? printf("This book is deleted!\n");
???? printf("\n\t\tPress any keys !");
?? } ?? else ??? { ???? printf("\nThis book not delete!\n");
???? printf("\n\t\tPress any keys!");
???? return head;
???? } ?? } ? else ??? { if(flag!=1) ???? { printf("\nNOT found!");
????? printf("\n\t\tPress any key!");
????? } ????? break;
???? } ?? if(p!=NULL) ?? { p=p->link;
} ? } ? return head;
?} ?void mhsearch(struct node *head)?{ ?? char s[15];
?? int flag=0;
?? struct node *p;
?? printf("Please input book name\n");
?? printf("name:");
?? p=head;
?? while(p!=NULL) ?? { ???? while(p!=NULL && (strstr(p->name,s)==NULL)) ???? {? p=p->link;
} ???? if(strstr(p->name,s)!=NULL) ???? { ????? printf(name??? price?? publshier\n");
????? printf("Book Found:? %s????? %5.2f??? %s\n",p->name,p->price,p->pub);
????? flag=1;
else ???? { if(flag!=1) printf("\nNOT found!");
? printf("\n\t\tPress any key!");
?????? } ?? } ????? if(p!=NULL) ????? { p=p->link;
} ?? } ?} ?struct node *mhdel(struct node *head) ?{ ? char sn[15],s;
? int flag=0;
? struct node *p,*q;
? printf("Please input book name\n");
? printf("name:");
? p=head;
? while(p!=NULL) ? { ? while(p!=NULL &&(strstr(p->name,sn)==NULL)) ?? { q=p;
} ? if((strcmp(p->name,sn)!=NULL)&& p!=NULL) ? { ?? flag=1;
?? printf(name??? price?? publshier\n");
?? printf("Book Found:? %s????? %5.2f??? %s\n",p->name,p->price,p->pub);
?? printf("Do you want to del this book(y/n)");
?? scanf("\n%c",&s);
?? if(s=='y' || s=='Y') ?? { ???? if(p==head)head=p->link;
???? else q->link=p->link;
???? free(p);
???? printf("This book is deleted!\n");
???? printf("\n\t\tPress any keys !");
?? } ?? else ??? { ???? printf("\nThis book not delete!\n");
???? printf("\n\t\tPress any keys!");
???? return head;
???? } ?? } ? else ??? { if(flag!=1) ???? { printf("\nNOT found!");
????? printf("\n\t\tPress any key!");
???? } ????? break;
???? } ???? p=head;
? }? return head;