编辑: Mckel0ve 2013-02-25

Quite right, Ratty! How SOUND you always are! Yes, I'

ve been a conceited old ass, I can quite see that;

but now I'

m going to be a good Toad, and not do it any more. As for motor-cars, I'

ve not been at all so keen about them since my last ducking in that river of yours. The fact is, while I was hanging on to the edge of your hole and getting my breath, I had a sudden idea―a really brilliant idea―connected with motor-boats―there, there! don'

t take on so, old chap, and stamp, and upset things;

it was only an idea, and we won'

t talk any more about it now. We'

ll have our coffee, AND a smoke, and a quiet chat, and then I'

m going to stroll quietly down to Toad Hall, and get into clothes of my own, and set things going again on the old lines. I'

ve had enough of adventures. I shall lead a quiet, steady, respectable life, pottering about my property, and improving it, and doing a little landscape gardening at times. There will always be a bit of dinner for my friends when they come to see me;

and I shall keep a pony-chaise to jog about the country in, just as I used to in the good old days, before I got restless, and wanted to DO things.'

蟾蜍的性格,有一点是足以令人宽慰的,那就是,他确实是一只善良的动物,从不计较真正朋友的唠叨数落.即使他执迷于什么,他也能看到问题的另一面.在河鼠严厉地开导他时,他私下里还在嘟哝: 可那确实好玩,好玩得要命! 并且压低了嗓门,发出一些古怪的噪音,克――克――克,噗――噗――噗,以及类似沉闷的鼾声或者开汽水瓶的声音.不过.当河鼠快要说完时.他却深深叹了口气,非常温和谦逊地说: 太对了.鼠兄!你的理由老是那么充足!是啊,我曾经是一头狂妄自大的蠢驴,这点我算明白了;



闲时栽花种草,美化环境.朋友们来,总会有饭菜招待.我要备一辆轻便马车,乘上它去四乡转转,就像过去那些好时光那样,再不心浮意躁,总想胡作非为了. '

Stroll quietly down to Toad Hall?'

cried the Rat, greatly excited. '

What are........
