编辑: jingluoshutong | 2014-11-06 |
overdue application will not be accepted.
六、研究内容涉密的团队需用人单位提交加盖公章的涉密申请书,说明涉密原因及理由,经主管部门审核确定后,可用word版本申报书进行填写和打印,采取纸质形式进行申报. VI. Employer must submit application document for confidential research and provide justifications. After being reviewed by designated administrative departments, applicants can submit Word version paper documents directly.
七、业务咨询0571-87057114,87055403,申报系统技术问题咨询0571-85151402 . VII. Information: 0571-87057114, 87055403;
IT Support : 0571-85151402.
一、承诺书 I. Letter of Commitment 《浙江省2014年度引进培育创新创业团队计划申报公告》要求,浙江省引进的国内创新创业团队的负责人及核心成员引进后需在浙江省连续工作时间5年以上,人事关系均调入引进单位,全职在用人单位工作.海外引进的负责人及核心成员引进后保证在浙江省连续工作时间5年以上,每年累计在浙工作时间不少于9个月. Application Announcement of Leading Innovative and Entrepreneur Team Introduction Program of Zhejiang for Year
2014 stipulates that leaders and key members of the domestic innovative and entrepreneur team introduced in Zhejiang are required to work in Zhejiang Province for at least
5 consecutive years as full-time employees for the employer. Leaders and key members of the overseas innovative and entrepreneur team introduced in Zhejiang are required to work for at least
5 consecutive years and at least
9 months per year in Zhejiang Province. 用人单位微宏动力系统(湖州)有限公司及拟引进的创新创业团队高能量快充动力电池系统创新团队的负责人及核心成员已阅读并了解上述公告关于引进创新创业团队来浙江工作的形式和期限的要求,并作以下承诺: The employer Microvast Power Systems, Ltd. and the leader and key members of the innovative and entrepreneur team High-Energy and Ultra-Fast Charging Traction Battery System Innovation Team, proposed to be introduced, have read through and fully understood the type of the work and the requirements of the term of employment stated in the above announcement, and hereby commit that:
一、用人单位和团队负责人及核心成员保证提交的《浙江省引进培育领军型创新创业团队申报书》及其附件等申报材料的内容真实、合法、有效.如提交虚假材料,将依法取消申报资格和入选资格,并承担相应的责任. I. The content of the submitted application materials by the employer, the team leader and key members are valid. We declare on the penalty of cancelation and laws of that the information we have provided on this form is true and correct.
二、如获得 浙江省引进培育领军型创新创业团队 资金资助,团队负责人及核心成员将全面按照相关管理办法要求到浙江工作.不调整团队负责人和核心成员,保证来浙工作时间,原则上不调整项目研究内容及目标. II. If being granted the funding of Leading Innovative and Entrepreneur Team Introduction Program of Zhejiang , the team leader and key members must work in Zhejiang completely according to relevant management rules. No adjustment to the team leader and key members shall be made, working hour in Zhejiang shall be guaranteed. No adjustment to the research content and project goal shall be made.
三、如获得 浙江省引进培育领军型创新创业团队 专项资金资助,本承诺书将作为用人单位、团队负责人及核心成员签订的任务书的附件. III. If being granted the funding of Leading Innovative and Entrepreneur Team Introduction Program of Zhejiang , this letter of commitment will be used as the appendix of the contract signed between the employer, team leader and key members.