编辑: xwl西瓜xym | 2019-07-02 |
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学校可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存学位论文. 学位论文作者签名:指导教师签名: 年月日年月日中文摘要 摘要:建立城乡基本养老保险制度衔接机制,是进一步完善覆盖我国全体城乡居民的基本养老保险制度建设,适应流动性、增强可持续的重大课题;
从可行性上对文献梳理出来的几种衔接思路进行了比较研究.最后,在吸收国内外实践经验与启示的基础上,重点提出了以 缴费年限量化基础养老金进行分段计算 的创新思路,对其进行了较详细的论述和模拟实践检验,并提出了有关配套措施和对策建议. 关键词: 城乡;
衔接 Abstract The establishment of urban and rural basic old-age insurance system, coordination mechanism, further improve the coverage of our country all urban and rural residents in the basic old-age insurance system construction, to enhance the sustainable mobility, the major task is to protect the basic rights and interests;
insurance, promote the human resource market, and perfect the free flow of urban and rural basic endowment insurance system needs;
is helpful for improving urban and rural basic the endowment insurance system of insurance coverage and quality, is conducive to the promotion of social equity and justice, to speed up the overall planning of urban and rural integration development. The paper closely combined with our country'
s present urban and rural basic old-age insurance policy, with scientific outlook on development and characteristics of Chinese social security theory as a guide, as the fundamental method to overall consideration, from the theory of pair of our country urban and rural basic old-age insurance system convergence necessity and significance, philosophy and principle undertook combing, construction;