编辑: xiaoshou 2019-07-07

一、基本情况 课程编号

2422002 开课(院)系 航空航天学院 开课学期 冬 中文课程名称 《连续介质力学(II)》 授课语言 双语 (英文教材、 中文上课) 英文课程名称 《Continuum Mechanics, II》 任课教师1 陈伟球 职称 教授 工作证号

0096038 E-mail: chenwq@zju.

edu.cn 联系电话

13958010963 任课教师2 王叶龙 职称 副教授 工作证号

0004199 E-mail: [email protected] 联系电话(手机)

13588022956 课内总学时数及其分配(1学分16学时)

32 自学

4 讲课

24 讨论

4 实验

0 其他

0 学分数

2 考核方式 大作业或期末闭卷测试

二、课程内容中文简介(不少于300字) 本课程在《连续介质力学(I)》的基础上,进一步深入阐述连续介质力学体系的基本原理,特别是各类守恒定律和连续介质热力学第二定律,引进内能、Helmholtz自由能、熵等概念,导出Clausius-Duhem不等式.将重点介绍本构方程的基本理论,包括坐标不变性原理、物质客观性原理、决定性原理、对称性原理、局部作用原理等,及其在构建具体物质本构关系中的应用.将特别讨论线弹性固体(各向同性、各向异性)以及大变形弹性的本构关系及若干典型问题的求解,也将适当介绍非牛顿流体和电磁固体的本构关系及相关问题的求解.

三、课程内容外文简介 The course is a continuation of the previous course entitled "Continuum Mechanics, I". We will present the basic principles of the continuum mechanics, including particularly the various conservation laws and the second law of thermomechanics. Concepts such as internal energy, Helmholtz free energy and entropy, etc. will be introduced to give the Clausius-Duhem inequality, which is the mathematical form of the second law. Emphasis will be placed on the constitutive theory, which consists of the principle of coordinate invariance, the principle of material frame-indifference, principle of determinism, principle of material symmetry, principle of local action, etc. Examples are given to show how to apply these principles to particular materials, and special discussions will be devoted to linear elastic solids (either isotropic or anisotropic) and elastic solids under large deformations. Some typical problems are then formulated and solved. We also pay certain attention to the constitutive relations of non-Newtonian fluid and magnetoelectric solids and the related problems.

四、预备知识或先修课程要求 弹性力学,流体力学,连续介质力学(I)

五、教学目的与要求(不少于200字) 通过本课程的学习,学生应该了解连续介质力学的基本原理和概念,理解各种守恒律和连续介质热力学第二定律的物理本质,熟悉并掌握本构方程的基本定理,并能运用于具体物质本构关系的构建.了解弹性固体、非牛顿流体以及电磁固体的主要本构模型以及相关问题的求解. 对学生的具体要求如下: 做到课前预习、课后复习;




六、教材或讲义 Lai WM, Rubin D, Krempl E. (1993) Introduction to Continuum Mechanics, 3rd Edition. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann. Ziegler H. (1983) An Introduction to Thermomechanics. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

七、参考书目 Malvern LE. (1969) Introduction to the Mechanics of a Continuous Medium. NY: Englewood Cliffs. Fung YC. (1977) A First Course in Continuum Mechanics (2nd Ed.). NY: Prentice-Hall. Gurtin ME. (1981) An Introduction to Continuum Mechanics. London: Academic Press. Truesdell C, Noll W. (2004) The Non-Linear Field Theories of Mechanics. Berlin: Springer. 匡震邦. (1989) 非线性连续介质力学基础. 西安: 西安交通大学出版社. 匡震邦. (2002) 非线性连续介质力学. 上海: 上海交通大学出版社.
