编辑: 865397499 2019-07-15
1 abandon vt.

① go away from somebody or something 离弃( 家园,船只,飞机等),抛弃( 某人).如:a baby abandoned by its parents 被父母遗弃的婴儿 ② give up 放弃( 计划,希望等).如:He abandoned all hopes. 他放弃了一切希望. 【联想】派生词 abandoned adj. 放纵的,堕落的;

abandonment. n. 放弃,自暴自弃 【考题】The scientist ______ his research for lack of fund. A. deserted B. canceled C. abandoned D. quitted 【详解】答案C.句意:这位科学家因资金不足而放弃了研究.abandon 指放弃;

dese和abandon 都可指抛弃,遗弃某人,但desert 不用于放弃计划,打算,研究等;

quit 指停止或放弃信仰,行动,工作等,如quit smoking 停止吸烟,quit the job 辞职;

cancel 指取消原定的计划和安排. 【短语】abandon one'

s country 背弃祖国;

abandon one'

s friend 背弃朋友;

abandon one'

s post 放弃职位;

abandon a ship 弃船;

abandon a bad habit 革除恶习;

abandon one'

s hope/plan/idea 放弃希望、计划、主意;

abandon oneself to 沉溺于,纵情于.

2 arouse v. awaken;

cause to become active 唤起,激起 ( 感情, 兴趣等).如:He succeeded in arousing the nation'

s sympathy. 他已经激发了全民的同情. 【考题】These startling events _____ intense excitement throughout Europe. A. rose B. arose C. raised D. aroused 【详解】答案D.句意:这些惊人事件在整个欧洲引起了极大的骚动.arouse 意为 激起,兴趣,引起,唤起 ,如:arouse anxiety 引起不安,arouse curiosity 引起好奇;

rise vi. 升起,升高;

arise vi. 出现,发生;

raise vt. 抬起,举起某物

3 draw vt. vi. move by pulling;

move by pulling after or behind;

take or get out by pulling;


obtain from a source;


take in 拉,画,提取,引出,吸取,吸收.如:The report drew a grim picture of inefficiency and corruption. 该报告描绘出一幅缺乏效率和贪污腐化的可怕情景.I drew the record out of its sleeve. 我从唱片套中抽出唱片. 【短语】draw out/from/out of 拉出/ draw in 到站;

draw on接近,利用;

draw up 草拟,画出;

draw from 使?说出真情;

draw level 打成平局,赶上;

draw a (the) line 区分,有个限度

4 identify v. 1) the act of identifying or fact of being identified 认出,识别,确认,鉴定.如:Can you identify your umbrella among this lot? 你能在这些伞中认出你自己的那一把么?2) something which is proof or a sign of identity 身份证明 【考题】He is too closely ______ with the previous administration to be given a job in this one. A. identical B. identification C. identified D. identity 【详解】答案C.句意:他与前政府的关系过于密切,难得在本届政府中得到一官半职.identify...with 使与? 有关联;

认为 ( 某人) 与? 有关联;

identical adj.,意为 同样的,完全相同的 ;

identifica-Unit 6tion n. 意为 身份证明 ;

identity n. 同一性,身份 【短语】identify with 把? 和? 联系起来/ 和? 有同感;

identify oneself with 和? 联系,支持

5 clash vt &

vi 1) make a loud, broken, confused noise 使发撞击声.如:Their swords clashed.他们的剑互相撞击,铿锵有声.2) some suddenly together, meet in conflict 互撞,冲突.如:Your party clashed with a wedding I'

m going to .你们的聚会和我要去参加的婚礼时间上有冲突. n. disagreement;

conflict 不合;

不调和,冲突.如:clashes between police and demonstrators 警察与示威者间的冲突. 【联想】形近词 crash 和clash;
