编辑: ok2015 2019-07-16
新东方在线考研资料免费下载中心 精华视频推荐:名师王兆飞解析2011.

6四六级写作真题 名师赵建昆解析2011.6四级听力真题 名师赵建昆解析2011.6六级听力真题 四级资料精选: 【词汇】 2011四级备考:常用短语和核心词汇 2011四级考试备考:高频短语与搭配 英语四级考试高频词汇每日突破 新东方英语四级考试词汇课堂 【语法】 2011英语四级考试基础语法辅导 2011年12月四级考试过关名师语法讲义 2011年12月四级考试过关高级语法讲义 大学英语四级考试常用语法精选 【写作】 四六级考试写作过关必备:加分句型 2011英语四级考试写作推荐句型解析 四级考试写作必备:常见词汇英文表达 四级写作暑期提高:必备高分佳句 【听力】 四级听力备考:常考习语和易混淆词汇 2011英语四级考试听力过关必备短语 2011英语四级考试听力复习技巧 新东方四级考试听力名师课堂讲义 【阅读】 大学英语四级考试拓展阅读-晨读美文 名师总结四级考试阅读理解高频词汇 四级考试阅读高频词汇分类总结 四级考试阅读主旨题解题技巧实战 四级考试完形填空强化练习100题 强化训练 1. The substance does not dissolve in water 不管是否加热). 2. Not only 他向我收费过高), but he didn'

t do a good repair job either. 3. Your losses in trade this year are nothing 与我的相比). 4. On average, it is said, visitors spend only 一半的钱)in a day in Leeds as in London. 5. By contrast, Americans mothers were more likely _______(把孩子的成功归因于)natural talent. 6. Today,随着生活节奏的加快), people usually do not have as much time to write letters as before. 7. With the rise in population, the traffic in cities 日益拥挤). 8. Opportunity often 起重要作用) one'

s choice of a career. 9. It is easier to 染上坏习惯) than to get into good ones. 10. However troublesome the problem is,他都耐心地去面对). 11.如果天气允许的话), the picnic will be held as scheduled. 12.尽管发了洪水), the ship had reached its destination on time. 13. He concluded his speech with a remark that 失败乃成功之母). 14. She never laughed,也从未发过脾气). 15. We advised them to take a rest,可是他们要坚持完成这项工作). 16. They asked so many questions that 把我给弄糊涂了). 17.医生告诉他不要吸烟), Mr. Smith carried neither matches nor cigarettes. 18. On entering another country,游客必须通过海关). 19. It has been suggested 经常看电视的人可能会变得过分消极). 20. We regret to inform you 你们订购的材料缺货). 21. He studied hard in his youth,这也是他后半生取得巨大成功的原因). 22. I understood 学会面对现实的真正价值). 23. It has been revealed that 有些政府官员滥用他们的权利和职位)to get illegal profits for themselves. 24. Nowadays, we need to 与时俱进). 25. The violent tornado that struck in August last year 已经引起全球科学家的高度重视). 26. When he agrees with someone,英雄所见略同) is his tag. 27. The government has put forward a new economic policy with 更加强调降低通货膨胀率). 28. You may stop now,but you must resume working at

2 o'

clock 否则我会给你新的任务以示惩罚). 29. You have greatly disappointed me.你做的远没有达到我们的期望). 30. Hurry up! The performance will start in no time.The doors 我们到那里的时候就会关闭了). 31. Little 她没有料到她的着装方式) would make her feel totally out of place at the party. 32. The traditional approach to deal with complex problems 是把它们分解成更小、更易解决的问题). 33. Having 没有钱但不想让别人知道), simply said he would go without dinner. 34. Every man and every woman working here 和我相处地很好). 35. I hope all the precautions against air pollution,正如当地政府建议的那样), will be seriously considered here. 36. You don'
