编辑: 252276522 | 2019-02-12 |
s Internship Scheme for Students with Disabilities. Besides, for promoting job opportunities for the socially disadvantaged groups, we continued to invite social enterprises to bid for our office cleaning service contract and catering service contract for our departmental function during Christmas.
27 关怀员工 作为关爱员工的雇主,本处致力维 持一支健康的员工伍.在2016/17 年度,我们就相关课题为员工举办 了32个讲座,包括急救训练、预防 上肢及下肢劳损、使用电脑屏幕的 健康小贴士、压力管理、办公室暴 力处理、预防筋肌劳损、使用显示 屏幕设备的健康锦囊,以及室内空 气质素与职业健康等.我们亦透过 外界的专业人士为员工提供辅导服 务,协助他们面对与工作相关或其 个人的问题. 此外,我们继续透过部门刊物、讲 座及员工康乐会的活动,加深员工 及其家属对维持工作和生活平衡, 以及健康生活方式的认识. Caring for Employees As a caring employer, the Land Registry is committed to maintaining a healthy workforce. In 2016/17, we organised a total of
32 seminars for staff on relevant subjects, including first aid, prevention of upper and lower limbs disorder, health tips on the use of computer monitors, stress management, handling of workplace violence, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders, health hints on the use of display screen equipment, and indoor air quality and occupational health. We also provided counseling services through external specialists to assist staff facing work-related or personal issues. Besides, we had continued to enhance staff awareness in maintaining work-life balance and a healthy life style through departmental publications, seminars and outings organised by the Staff Recreation Club for staff and their family members.
28 香港吸烟与健康委员会为表扬土地 注册处向员工推动无烟生活的努 力,在2017年2月向本处颁发2016 年 「香港无烟领先企业大奖」 之银奖. 鉴於以母乳喂哺幼儿有多种好处, 本处支持女性员工在产假完毕返 回工作岗位后继续喂哺母乳,容许 她们在办公时间作挤奶小休,并在 办公室为她们安排合适的设施.为 表扬本处致力提供方便喂哺母乳的 环境,部门於2016年10月获颁发 「2015/16年度家庭友善雇主奖励计 划」 下的 「支持母乳喂哺奖」 . In recognition of our efforts to promote a smoke-free lifestyle among our staff members, the Land Registry was awarded the Silver Award of Hong Kong Smoke-free Leading Company Awards
2016 by the Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health in February 2017. Given the benefits of breastfeeding for infants, we support female staff to continue breastfeeding after returning to work from maternity leave by allowing them to take lactation breaks during working hours and providing facilitation arrangements in the office. In recognition of our dedication to providing a breastfeeding friendly environment, the Land Registry was granted the Awards for Breastfeeding Support under the 2015/16 Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme in October 2016.
29 保护环境 我们继续致力确保部门各项业务和 日常运作符合环保原则.为履行此 承诺,我们采取了以下措施: ? 制定环保政策,确定须采取行 动的主要;
? 公布环保管理指引,以供员工 遵守;
? 定期到各个办公室进行环保审 核和突击巡查,使员工持续关 注环保;
? 继续实行 「减少使用」 、 「废物利 用」 、 「循环再造」 及 「替代使用」 的环保政策,并有效使用能源 和资源;