编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2019-07-13
关于深化人才工作体制机制改革促 进人才创新创业的实施意见 (2015 年7月发布) Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development to Facilitate Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Released in July, 2015) 中共上海市委办公厅 上海市人民政府办公厅 印发《关于深化人才工作体制机制改革促进人才创新创业的实施意 见》的通知 The Office of Shanghai Municipal Committee of Communist Party of China and Shanghai Municipal Government issues the notice of Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development to Facilitate Innovation and Entrepreneurship 各区、县党委和人民政府,市委、市人民政府各部、委、办、局,各市级机关,各人民团 体: 《关于深化人才工作体制机制改革促进人才创新创业的实施意见》已经市委、市人民 政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行.

中共上海市委办公厅 上海市人民政府办公厅

2015 年6月29 日Party committees, governments and other departments of districts and counties of Shanghai, and mass organizations: Please carry out the Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development to Facilitate Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a policy approved by Shanghai municipal government and committee of CPC. Office of Shanghai Municipal Committee of Communist Party of China Shanghai Municipal Government June 29,

2015 关于深化人才工作体制机制改革促进人才创新创业的实施意见 Implementation Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Institutional Mechanism for Talent Development to Facilitate Innovation and Entrepreneurship 为认真贯彻落实《中共上海市委、上海市人民政府关于加快建设具有全球影响力的科 技创新中心的意见》 ,充分发挥人才在科技创新、产业转型等方面的引领作用,为建设具有 全球影响力的科技创新中心提供坚实的人才支撑和智力保障,现就深化人才工作体制机制 改革,促进人才创新创业提出如下实施意见. The Opinions are put forward to follow the Opinions of the CPC Central Committee of Shanghai and the Shanghai Municipal People'

s Government on Accelerating the Construction of a Global Innovation Center in Science and Technology, maximize the role played by talent in sci-tech innovation and industrial transformation, and provide intellectual support for Shanghai'

s construction of a globally influential science and technology innovation center.

一、总体目标和基本任务 上海要建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,必须牢牢把握世界科技进步大方向、全 球产业变革大趋势、集聚人才大举措. 1. Main goals and tasks Shanghai strives to build an internationally recognized science and technology innovation center. It also aims to keep pace with cutting-edge sci-tech developments and industrial transformations by gathering elite global talents.

(一)总体目标. 按照习近平总书记提出的 来得了、待得住、用得好、流得动 的总体要求,把握人 才成长规律,聚焦引进培养、使用评价、分配激励等重点环节,突出国际化、高端化、市 场化、制度化、法治化,创新更具竞争力的人才集聚制度,完善有利于创新创业的人才发 展政策体系,进一步优化人才创新创业综合环境,使上海成为国际一流创新人才汇聚之 地、培养之地、事业发展之地、价值实现之地. 1.1 Main goals Shanghai is expected to become a hot spot for international talent wishing to start businesses, receive high-level training, and take advantage of a wide range of opportunities. The measures include optimizing policies on developing talent and the creating stimulating environments that can encourage innovation.
