编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 2019-07-13

(二)基本任务. 一是坚持以 双自联动 推进人才制度创新.充分发挥中国(上海)自由贸易试验区(以 下简称上海自贸试验区)和张江国家自主创新示范区政策叠加和联动优势,以人才政策突破 和体制机制创新为重点,在人才引进培养、股权激励、成果转化、创业孵化、创业融资等 方面先行先试,大力建设创新人才高度集聚、创新资源深度融合、创新机制开放灵活、创 新活力竞相迸发的国家人才改革试验区. 1.2 Main tasks Take advantage of Shanghai FTZ and Zhangjiang National Innovation Demonstration Zone (hereinafter referred to as two zones);

focus on innovation of talent policies and mechanisms;

pilot programs that attract talent, equity incentives, transfer scientific developments into commercial applications, incubation and entrepreneurship financing;

build a dynamic and state-of-the-art pilot zone for national talent that successfully gathers innovative talent, integrates key resources, and uses open and flexible mechanisms to great effect. 二是坚持以更积极、更开放、更有效的政策集聚海内外人才.推进人才对外开放,畅 通海外人才集聚通道,构建具有国际竞争比较优势、来去自由、符合国际惯例的海外人才 集聚政策.进一步强化市场发现、市场认可、市场评价的国内人才引进机制,大力引进以 战略科学家、能驾驭市场的企业家、科技顶尖人才、创业投资家等为代表的高层次领军人 才. Set up free and competitive overseas talent policies in line with international practices;

enhance market'

s role in attracting overseas talent;

focus on luring strategic scientists, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, and elite talent in the areas science and technology. 三是坚持以更灵活的人才管理机制激发人才创新创业活力.深入务实地推进用人制度 的市场化改革,推动人才流动、人才评价依据市场规则、按照市场价格、参与市场竞争, 实现效益最大化和效率最优化.以市场价值回报人才价值,以财富效应激发聪明才智,让 科技人员和创新人才通过创新创造价值,实现财富和事业双丰收. Develop flexible system of talent management in order to stimulate talents'


promote the market-oriented reform of the employment system;

encourage scientific and innovative staff to create value through innovation. 四是坚持以更完善的服务营造创新创业良好环境.以服务创新保障科技创新,鼓励社 会力量为创新活动提供市场化的专业服务,形成主体多元、形式多样、内容丰富的创新创 业生态.改进政府公共服务,加强依法行政和公正司法,营造良好的宜居宜业环境,为人 才创新创业解决后顾之忧.在全社会大兴识才、爱才、重才、用才之风,营造鼓励创新、 宽容失败的舆论环境. Ensure scientific innovation is paired with excellent service;

call for social participation in innovative activities;

improve government'

s public services;

legally strengthen administration;

create a comfortable living environment for talent;

urge society to recognize, respect, and recruit talent.

二、创新更具竞争力的人才集聚制度 建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,关键在人才,活力在市场.要实施更加积极的 创新人才引进政策,集聚一批站在科技前沿、具有国际视野和能力的领军人才. 2. Actively attract high-level talent Attracting talent and developing a market play key roles in the construction of Shanghai'
