编辑: liubingb 2015-01-23


骨形态发生蛋白7(BMP7) 中图分类号:Q54;

R329.2 Investigatory Progress of Brown adipocyte tissue differentiation and control mechanism ZHANG Lin, ZHU WanLong, CAI Jinhong, LIAN Xian, WANG Zhengkun (School of Life Science of Yunnan Normal University, Engineering Research Center of Sustainable Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy Ministry of Education, Key laboratory of Yunnan Province for biomass energy and environment biotechnology, Kunming 650092, China) Abstract: bone morphogenetic proteins7 (BMP7) is one of members of the transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) superfamily and control multiple key steps of embryonic development and differentiation. In recent studies, people found that BMP7-induced UCP1 expression was markedly diminished in brown preadipocytes deficient in both PRDM16 and PGC (PGC-1α and PGC-1β), it ultimately induces BAT mitochondrial cells in the biological production and cell differentiation. These researches indicate the potential to treat obesity and related diseases through activating BMP7 and PRDM16 to produce brown adipose tissue. Key words: Brown adipose tissue (BAT);

Stem cell differentiation;

Bone morphogenetic proteins7 (BMP7) 0. 引言 肥胖已经成为流行病,同时正在成为全球性问题,并且由其引发的疾病众多,如糖尿病、高血压、高血脂、癌症以及其他并发症,现在对脂肪细胞、组织的研究成为生命科学领域的研究热点 [1].众所周知,脂肪组织含有两种形态、生物学功能截然不同的细胞:1) 褐色(褐色)脂肪细胞,主要是化学能以热能散失的部位,在新生儿和啮齿类中是解耦联呼吸的主要部位 [2-4];

2) 白色脂肪细胞,作为专门储存以三酰甘油为主的化学能的仓库,并且在成年动物中是脂肪组织的主要构成成分.那么,探讨这两种截然不同细胞的分化机制,可为上述疾病的预防与治疗提供重要的分子生物学基础. 1. 脂肪细胞的形态学、生物学功能差异 脂肪存在于动物全身,并且在皮下和一些器官周围富集.白色脂肪组织(white adipose tissue, WAT)广泛分布在体内皮下组织和内........
