编辑: 旋风 | 2019-07-15 |
一、我校学费按学年收取,也可三年一次付清.每年的学费需在开学注册时缴清.每人每年学费标准为 Tuition and other fees must be paid at the start of each semester: 文科 Art: 硕士学位研究生20000元人民币/年Master's program 20000Yuanrmb/a year 博士学位研究生25000元人民币/年Doctoral program 25000Yuanrmb/a year 理科 Science: 硕士学位研究生22000元人民币/年Master's program 22000Yuanrmb/a year 博士学位研究生28000元人民币/年Doctoral program 28000Yuanrmb/a year
二、申请人需提供材料 Materials attached for applicant: 两封推荐信(由副教授以上职称专家推荐)Two letter of recommendation 经公证的本人最后学历成绩单 Notarized transcripts of the most advanced studies 经公证的本人最后学历、学位证书 Notarized diploma of the most advanced studies HSK汉语水平证书复印件 Copy of HSK level certificate 外国人体检健康证明 Foreigner physical examination form 所发表文章的复印件 Copy of article or papers published 三张近期免冠照片
3 photographs 护照复印件 Copy of passport 经济担保人、在华事务委托人身份证或护照复印件 ID & Passport copy of both Guarantor or Link-person in China