编辑: 捷安特680 2014-08-06


三、翻译的性质 什么是翻译?回答这个问题由于人们认识的角度不同,所以答案也就不一.有人认为翻译是一门科学,因为它有着自己的内在科学规律;


还有人将翻译认作是一门技能,因为就其具体操作过程而言总是离不开方法和技巧的.但是总的看来,翻译是一门综合性的学科,因为它集语言学、文学、社会学、教育学、心理学、人类学、信息理论等学科之特点于一身,在长期的社会实践中已经拥有了它自己的一套抽象的理论、原则和具体方法,形成了它自己独立的体系,而且在相当一部分的语言材料中这些方法正在逐渐模式化.由此可见,视角的不同可以导致对翻译性质认识的差异.下面是部分翻译理论家对翻译的定义,由此可见人们在翻译性质认识上的差别: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida) Translation may be defined as follows:The replacement of textural material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language.(TL). (Catford) Translation is a process in which the parole of one language is transferred into the parole of another with the content i.e. meaning unchanged. (Barhudarov) 翻译是一种创造性的工作,好的翻译等于创作,甚至还可能超过创作.(郭沫若) ...translation is first a science, which entails the knowledge and verification of the facts and the language that describes them-here, what is wrong, mistakes of truth, can be identified;

secondly, it is a skill, which calls for appropriate language and acceptable usage;

thirdly, an art, which distinguishes good from undistinguished writing and is the creative, the intuitive, sometimes the inspired, level of the translation;

lastly, a matter of taste, where argument ceases, preferences are expressed, and the variety of meritorious translation is the reflection of individual differences. (Newmark)

四、翻译的类别 既然翻译的性质可从不同的角度来定义,那么同样翻译的种类也可从不同的视角来分类.一般说来,翻译可从5种不同的角度来分类(见教材pp.2-3): 1) 从译出语和译入语的角度来分类,翻译可分为本族语译为外语外语译为本族语;

2) 从涉及到的语言符号来分类,翻译分为语内翻译(intralingual translation)、语际翻译 (interlingual translation)和符际翻译(intersemiotic translation);

3) 从翻译的手段来分类,翻译可分为口译(oral interlingual translation)、笔译(written interlingual translation) 和机器翻译(machine translation);

4) 从翻译的题材来分类,翻译可分为专业文献翻译(translation of English for science and technology)、文学翻译(literary translation)和一般性翻译(practical writing translation);

5) 从翻译的处理方式来分类,翻译可分为全译(full translation)、摘译(partial translation)和编译(translation plus editing).

五、对译者的要求 要做好翻译工作一是要具备良好的政治素质,二是要具备好良好的业务素质.政治素质包括译者对待党和国家大政方针政策的正确了解和贯彻执行、严肃认真的工作态度和一丝不苟的工作作风;
