编辑: 怪只怪这光太美 | 2016-06-12 |
E services within the balconies (if any), utility platforms (if any), flat roofs (if any) and roof (if any) 10. 分体式冷气之室外机设於大厦外墙及/或平台(如有). Outdoor units of the split air-conditioners are installed on the external walls and/or the flat roofs (it any). 11. 部分楼层外墙、窗户、玻璃幕墙围设有建筑装饰及灯光装饰,而部分单位之窗户及露台栏杆设计略有不同. Architectural and lighting features are on the external walls windows and curtain walls of some of the floors. The design of some of the windows and balcony balustrades may vary. 12. 所述景观受制於单位位置亦可能受周围建筑物影响. For details of the management/maintenance responsibilities of the public open space/facilities of the development, please refer to the relevant terms o........