编辑: hyszqmzc 2019-07-30
《WTO 基础知识英文选读》(Selected Readings the WTO Basics) 邱贵溪 主编 上海交通大学出版社,2009 年第一版 课后练习参考答案 Key to Exercises Key to Unit One 1.

Translate the following English words and phrases into Chinese. 1) 多边贸易体制 2) 关税与贸易总协定 3) 反倾销 4) 补贴 5) 知识产权 6) 部长级会议 7) 总理事会 8) 贸易政策审查机构 9) 争端解决组织 10) 货物贸易理事会 2. Translate the following Chinese words or phrases into English. 1) Services Council 2) TRIPS 3) specialized committee 4) director-general 5) customs duty rate 6) state trading 7) product standards 8) General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) 9) Dispute Settlement Understanding(DSU) 10) least-developed countries (LDC)

1 3. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1) The past

50 years have seen an exceptional growth in world trade. Merchandise exports grew on average by 6% annually. Total trade in

2000 was 22-times the level of 1950. GATT and the WTO have helped to create a strong and prosperous trading system contributing to unprecedented growth. 2) The system was developed through a series of trade negotiations, or rounds, held under GATT. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later negotiations included other areas such as anti-dumping and non-tariff measures. 3) The work programme, the Doha Development Agenda (DDA), adds negotiations and other work on non-agricultural tariffs, trade and environment, WTO rules such as anti-dumping and subsidies, investment, competition policy, trade facilitation, transparency in government procurement, intellectual property, and a range of issues raised by developing countries as difficulties they face in implementing the present WTO agreements. 4) The WTO'

s overriding objective is to help trade flow smoothly, freely, fairly and predictably It does this by: ? Administering trade agreements ? Acting as a forum for trade negotiations ? Settling trade disputes ? Reviewing national trade policies ? Assisting developing countries in trade policy issues, through technical assistance and training programmes ? Cooperating with other international organizations 5) 1. Highest authority:the Ministerial Conference The Ministerial Conference is the governing body of the WTO,responsible for setting the strategic direction of the organization and making all final decisions on agreements under its wings. 2. Second level:General Council in three guises Day-to-day work in between the ministerial conferences is handled by three bodies: General Council Trade Policy Review Body Dispute Settlement Body

2 3. Third level: councils for each broad area of trade, and more Three more councils, each handling a different broad area of trade, report to the General Council;

The Council for Trade in Goods (Goods Council) The Council for Trade in Services (Services Council) The Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS Council) 6) The Secretariat'

s main duties are to supply technical support for the various councils and committees and the ministerial conferences, to provide technical assistance for developing countries, to analyze world trade, and to explain WTO affairs to the public and media. The Secretariat also provides some forms of legal assistance in the dispute settlement process and advises governments wishing to become members of the WTO. 7) The WTO'

s rules ― the agreements ― are the result of negotiations between the members. The current set were the outcome of the 1986C94 Uruguay Round negotiations which included a major revision of the original General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). 8) The WTO agreements cover rules for dealing with trade in goods, services, relevant aspects of intellectual property, dispute settlement, and trade policy reviews. 9) All WTO agreements contain special provision for them, including longer time periods to implement agreements and commitments, measures to increase their trading opportunities and support to help them build the infrastructure for WTO work, handle disputes, and implement technical standards. 10) The sub-committee on least-developed countries looks at developing countries'

special needs. Its responsibility includes implementation of the agreements, technical cooperation, and the increased participation of developing countries in the global trading system. 11) Technical cooperation is an area of WTO work that is devoted entirely to helping developing countries (and countries in transition from centrally-planned economies) operates successfully in the multilateral trading system. The objective is to help build the necessary institutions and to train officials. The subjects covered deal both with trade policies and with effective negotiations. 4. Fill in the blanks in each sentence with the most suitable word or expression from the text.

3 1) WTO, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 2) trade negotiations, GATT, tariff reductions, anti-dumping, the 1986-94 Uruguay Round 3) financial services, banking, securities 4) Ministerial Conference, General Council, Trade Policy Review Body, Dispute Settlement Body, Goods Council, Services Council, Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Council 5) Geneva, director-general, branch offices 6) the agreements, members, 1986C94 Uruguay Round negotiations , General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). 7) services, dispute settlement 8) Dispute Settlement Understanding, WTO, infringed, specially-appointed independent experts, agreements, commitments 9) technical assistance, least-developed countries , integrated framework20, market access 10) technical cooperation missions, developing countries, trade policy , Regional seminars, African countries, central planning, market economies 5. Choose the best words or phrases to complete the following sentences. 1) B, 2) C, 3) A ,4) B, 5) D ,6) A, 7) C ,8) D ,9) C ,10) A 6. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). 1) F 2) T 3) F 4) F 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F 9) T 10) F 11) T 12) T 13) F 14) F 15) T 7. Translate the following English sentences into Chinese. 1) 过去的50年见证了世界贸易的迅猛增长. 货物出口额平均每年增长6%.

2000 年贸易总额是

1950 年的

22 倍.关税与贸易总协定和世界贸易组织创立的强大

4 兴旺的贸易体制,为史无前例的贸易增长作出了贡献. 2) 决议由全体成员作出,特别是经全体成全一致同意而作出决议.大多数投票 通过也有可能,但这种方法在世界贸易组织里从未用过,在其前身关税与贸易总 协定里也几乎没有用过.世界贸易组织的协定须经所有成员国议会批准. 3) 在那之前,在1997 年,一个关于对最不发达国家提供优先贸易和技术支持 的高级会议决定建立包括六个政府间机构在内的 整合框架 , 来帮助最不发达 国家提高贸易能力,以及一些额外的市场准入优惠协议. 4) 同样,在日内瓦, 有给来自从计划经济向市场经济转轨国家官员的培训课程. 5) WTO 在超过

100 个发展中国家和最不发达国家首都的贸易部和区域组织里, 建立了信息查询服务中心,为部级官员提供电脑和网络,使他们能够通过互联网 看到含有官方文件和其他资料的巨大数据库, 以了解日内瓦 WTO 时事的最新动 态. 8. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English. 1) The establishment of the World Trade Organization (WTO) ushers in a new era of global economic cooperation, reflecting the widespread desire to operate in a fairer and more open multilateral trading system for the benefit and welfare of their peoples. 2) Ministers recognize the importance of the implementation of these provisions for the least-developed countries and declare their intention to continue to assist and facilitate the expansion of their trade and investment opportunities. 3) The Council for Trade in Goods, the Council for Trade in Services and the Council for TRIPS shall establish subsidiary bodies as required. These subsidiary bodies shall establish their respective rules of procedure subject to the approval of their respective Councils. 4) The protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights should contribute to the promotion of technological innovation and to the transfer and dissemination of technology, to the mutual advantage of producers and users of technological knowledge and in a manner conduciv........
