编辑: glay 2013-03-08
太原新东方优能中学 新东方太原培训学校 咨询

电话:0351-3782999 新东方太原学校:http://ty.

xdf.cn QQ 群:

331231697 太原市 2015~2016 学年第二学期八年级第四次测评 英语试卷 第Ⅰ卷听力测试(共20 分) Ⅰ. 听力(共四节,满分

20 分) 略第Ⅱ卷书面测试(选择题共

50 分) Ⅱ. 单项选择(共15 小题,每小题

1 分,满分

15 分) 从A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母编号填入题前的括号内. ( ) 21. My brother is happy because_will go to Brazil to see Olympic Games. A. it B. he C. she 解析:考查代词:我哥哥很高兴因为_______ 将要去巴西看奥林匹克运动会.it 它;

he 他;

she 她 答案选 B ( )22. I'

m proud of my hometown Shanxi because it has history in China. A. long B. longer C. the longest 解析:考查动词:我为我的家乡山西感到自豪因为它在中国有_历史.long 悠久的 longer 更悠久的 longest 最悠久的 答案选 C ( ) 23. The new electric taxis will help the environment in Taiyuan. A. check B. protect C. consider 解析: 考查动词: 新型电动出租车将会帮助_太原的环境.check 检查 protect 保护 consider 考虑 答 案选 B ( ) 24. The little boy his father as an idol(偶像) in his heart. Because his father is always honest and independent. A. regards B. acts C. chooses 解析: 考查动词: 这个小男孩在心里 _______ 他的父亲作为偶像. regard 看作, 认为 act 行动 choose 选择 答 案选 A ( )25. I don'

t like the noisy world. I want to live a free and life. A. peaceful B. truthful C. endangered 解析:考查形容词:我不喜欢吵闹的世界.我想要过一种自由而又_____的生活.peaceful 和平的 truthful 真 实的 endangered 危险的 答案选 A ( )26. He likes Little Women best all the foreign classics he has read. A. between B. through C. among 解析:考查介词: 他最喜欢《小妇人》这本书_______在所有他读过的古典名著.between 在两者之间 through 通过 among 在三者或三者以上之中 答案选 C ( ) 27. ---Our city is holding the National fitness Day(全民健身日)! 太原新东方优能中学 新东方太原培训学校 咨询

电话:0351-3782999 新东方太原学校:http://ty.xdf.cn QQ 群:

331231697 ---Cool! It more people to take part in it. A. offers B. encourages C. trains 解析:考查动词: -我们的城市正在举办全民健身日.-太棒了!它______ 更多的人去参与. offer 提供 encourage 鼓励 train 训练 答案选 B ( )28. Technology has progressed in such a way, you can talk with people from abroad through a video phone. A. rapid B. safe C. unfair 解析: 考查形容词: 技术进步以如此______ 方式发展着, 你能够通过视频电话和国外的人交流. rapid 快速的 safe 安全的 unfair 不公平的 答案选 A ( )29. They many soft toys to a children'

s home on Children'

s Day. A. gave away B. cared for C. checked out 解析: 考查动词: 他们在儿童节________许多布娃娃给儿童之家的孩子们.give away 赠送 care for 关心 check out 查看 答案选 A ( ) 30. My sister has learned tea art she was

18 years old. A. after B. while C. since 解析:考查连词:我妹妹学习了茶艺______她18 岁的时候.after 在?之后 while 当?时候 since 自从(与现 在完成时连用) 答案选 C ( ) 31. ---I hope to do something for the old people. ---You volunteer in an old people'

s home. A. must B. could C. need 解析:考查情态动词:-我希望为老人做一些事情. -你______在老人之家义务服务. must 必须 could 能够 need 需要 答案选 B ( ) 32. ---The college entrance exam(高考) will change a lot,for English. ---Right! We are allowed to take English test twice. A. hardly B. especially C. actually 解析:考查副词:-高考会有很多变化,对于英语来说. -对!我们允许参加
