编辑: 被控制998 2013-03-19

2007 Key words:sea w ater;

flue gas desulfurization;

w ater qualit y environment Abstract: The flue gas desulfurization of fire pow er plant w as the main means to control pollutation of SO2 in the w orld. Taking the sea w ater desulphurization project of H uaneng pow er plant of Weihai w ith

2 125M W as example, the paper discussed the conditions, principles, technological process of flue gas desul furization and the effects of sea w ater desulfurization on the surrounding sea environment. The results indi cated that the seaw ater flue gas desulfurization could utilize the natural coastal conditions fully, and a chieved the purpose of protecting the marine environment. ( 本文编辑: 张培新) 96 ........
