编辑: kr9梯 | 2013-04-20 |
4 lmin angle of reflection coefficient g ? B (4) Reading Z from chart also can get |Γ| & φ φ x r ZL Sheet
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13 (5) φ Z/Zo |Γ|
1 Z Zo = + ?
1 1 Γ Γ Admittance = Y/Y0 = φ Y/Yo -|Γ|
1 On a Smith chart point diametrically opposite Z Z gives Y Y Note Y Y = G + j. Conductance Susceptance On admittance chart r circles g circles & x circles b circles. Note g = G Y and b = B Y o o
0 o o = → →
1 Zo β Sheet
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13 (6) To transform an impedance along a T.L, rotate around the VSWR circle:- Lmin Z(in) BACKWARDS by Lmin/λg takes us to Zin. ZL/Zo ZL Vmin Lmin/λg B l/λg Zo Sheet
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13 (7) Represent a series inductance on a smith chart. 0.5 Read values off the reactance scale 0.20 Therefore, assuming a frequency of say 1GHz the value of series inductance represented on the above Smith Chart is given by:- 2.38nH E
1 * 2π 0.3 *
50 2π N.X L
50 wrt 0.3 0.2 - 0.5 chart Smith from read ) (X Reactance
9 L L = = = ? ? = ? = f Similarly for a series capacitor Sheet
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13 (8) Represent a series capacitance on a smith chart. 1.0 Read values off the reactance scale 0.5 Therefore, assuming a frequency of say 1GHz the value of series capacitance represented on the above Smith Chart is given by:- ohms)
50 (usually factor g normalisin the is N Where 6.36pF
5 .
0 *
50 * E
1 * 2π
1 .N.X 2π
1 C
50 w.r.t 0.5 0.5 - 1.0 chart Smith from read ) (X Reactance
9 C C = = = ? ? = ? = f To represent shunt reactance we need to plot admittance onto the Smith Chart. It is easiest to use a Smith chart with both impedance (usually in black) lines and admittance lines (usually in red) on the same chart. Or you can rotate the Smith chart
180 degrees. Sheet
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13 (9) Represent a shunt inductance on a smith chart. 0.8 Read values off the admittance scale 0.2 Therefore, assuming a frequency of say 1GHz the value of shunt inductance represented on the above Smith Chart is given by:- ( ) ohms)
50 (usually factor on normaisati N 13.26nH
6 .
0 * E
1 * 2π
50 Y * 2π N L
50 w.r.t 0.6mhos 0.2 - 0.8 chart Smith from read ) (Y Admittance
9 L L = = = = ? = ? = f Sheet
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13 (10) Represent a shunt capacitance on a smith chart. 1.0 Read values off the admittance scale 0.2 Therefore, assuming a frequency of say 1GHz the value of shunt inductance represented on the above Smith Chart is given by:- ( ) ohms)
50 (usually factor on normaisati N 2.5pF
50 * E
1 * 2π 0.8 N * 2π Y C
50 w.r.t 0.8mhos 0.2 - 1.0 chart Smith from read ) (Y Admittance
9 C C = = = = ? = ? = f 专注于微波、射频、天线设计人才的培养 易迪拓培训
网址:http://www.edatop.com A D S 视频培训课程推荐ADSCAdvanced Design System 是由原美国安捷伦科技 (现更名为是德科技) 推出的微波射频电路、 通信系统和 MMIC/RFIC 仿真设计软件,其功能强大、应用广泛,被国内高校、科研院所和大型科技 公司使用广为使用.掌握 ADS 无疑能提升相关设计领域工程师的技术实力、提高工作效率. 为了帮助工程技术人员更好、更快的学习掌握 ADS 的使用,易迪拓培训(www.edatop.com)特聘多 年ADS 使用经验的资深专家精心制作推出了多套 ADS 视频培训课程,由浅入深、全面系统地讲授了 ADS 在微波射频电路设计、通信系统设计和电磁仿真设计方面的仿真设计和应用操作.其中,视频课 程多以设计实例边操作边讲解, 工程实践强, 且直观易学, 能够帮助您在最短的时间内学会使用 ADS, 并把 ADS 真正应用到设计研发工作中去... ADS 学习培训课程套装 该套装是易迪拓培训和微波 EDA 网联合推出的迄今为止国内最全面、 最 权威的 ADS 培训教程,共包含