编辑: 梦里红妆 2013-05-16
Products Solid Edge, Femap Business challenges Achieve a more efficient design process Improve product safety Enhance assembly efficiency Seamlessly manage various data formats Keys to success Use Solid Edge CAD software for product development Use Femap FEA software to optimize design Results Significantly improved design process efficiency Realized optimal design throughout the entire product family Improved workshop assembly efficiency by more than

20 percent Dramatically reduced the number of product complaints Enabled quick answers to any questions from downstream manufacturers Completed secondary devel- opment of the quotation system Unified design and purchase cost calculation process www.

siemens.com/solidedge Siemens PLM Software solutions enable Pentair'

s Valves &

Controls business unit to significantly enhance design quality and processes Finding a perfect match Pentair'

s Valves &

Controls business unit is its largest, producing valves, actuators and flow control products. Pentair is a global leader in this domain and provides services and solutions for the most challenging applications across a variety of industries, including oil and gas, power, metallurgy and chemical. With a wealth of expertise accumulated over

140 years and more than

900 technology patents awarded in recent years, Pentair delivers vital infra- structure to local communities around the globe. In China, Pentair'

s Valves &

Controls busi- ness unit has established a comprehensive, efficient and fast-operating system that integrates manufacturing, sales, inventory, assembly, maintenance and service. Its Product Automation Center is representa- tive of similar branches of Pentair across China. Pentair'

s Beijing Product Automation Center bought licenses of Solid Edge? software primarily for the design of electri- cal accessories that are needed when making valve controls, fittings and actua- tors, and for drafting 3D assembly drawings according to assembly or bidding requirements. Industrial machinery and heavy equipment Pentair Flow control manufacturer uses Solid Edge and Femap to improve assembly efficiency by more than

20 percent In comparison to other heavy machinery manufacturers, the center'

s business involves low repeatability for products and high repeatability for parts, with the combi- nation of different product parts leading to a high volume of finished output. Solid Edge, from product lifecycle manage- ment (PLM) specialist Siemens PLM Software, is highly suitable for Pentair'

s Beijing Product Automation Center in terms of scale and business scope. Solid Edge, which utilizes Windows? software, has a user-friendly interface. It is particularly advantageous to mid-end users who want their software to be easy to use and fast to operate, and who need to accommodate extensive design variations. According to the management of Pentair'

s Beijing Product Automation Center, Solid Edge is a perfect match, both functionally and operationally. We wanted design software that was more user-friendly instead of a static unen- gaging tool, says Xie Ke, general adminis- trator and warehouse director at the Product Automation Center, Beijing Office, Pentair Valves &

Controls Corporate China. Solid Edge is that software;

it makes our work much easier. Enhancing the platform Apart from product design, Pentair'

s Beijing Product Automation Center has five business functions, including parts pur- chasing, planned production, product assembly, quality inspection and ware- house management. The center'
