编辑: gracecats 2013-05-19
中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:0431-81239600 学员专用 请勿外泄

1 吉林中公金融人:jlzgjrr 扫描上方二维码,关注 jlzgjrr 吉林中公金融人 微信号,更多备考资料等你发现! 中国银行历年笔试考题汇编 第一单元 英语

一、单项选择 1.

【2018-中行】She was very ______ of our efforts to help. A. appreciate B. appreciating C. appreciative D. appreciable 2.【2018-中行】Airlines are already increasing their price on the ______ that fuel prices are going to rise. A. assumption B. presumption C. destruction D. consumption 3.【2018-中行】In ______, the company owns and operates four television stations. A. addition B. plus C. also D. more 中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:0431-81239600 学员专用 请勿外泄

2 4.【2018-中行】Because our company is bigger now than it was two years ago, we need to ______ more employees. A. resell B. recall C. recruit D. remind 5.【2018-中行】Together these inventions hugely reduced the cost of blasting rock, drilling tunnels, building canals and many other forms of ______ work. A. animation B. imagination C. information D. construction 6. 【 2018- 中行】All the recycling bins have been ______ with refuse and it'

s still overflowing everywhere. A. flattered B. in chorus C. in blossom D. filled up 7.【2018-中行】There are many uses of hidden cameras including many cams to ______ your babysitter'

s behavior, hidden TV news cameras to report on an expose, and police surveillance cameras to bust the bad guys. A. control B. monitor C. supply D. order 8. 【2018-中行】 It'

s offered as proof that she'

s a ______ woman who won'

t waste taxpayers'

money. A. radical B. pioneer C. principled D. patriotic 9.【2018-中行】A scientist often reaches a dead end that leads to no alternatives in research and has to go back and determine if all the ______ made are true to how the world operates. A. equations B. principles C. assumptions D. theories 10. 【2018-中行】 There is much that science still cannot explain, such as what existed before our universe began, how life ______ arose on earth, and much more. A. repeatedly B. undoubtedly C. naturally D. conventionally 11.【2018-中行】The United States, which is a ______ of the Middle East peace talks, says Israeli settlements are an obstacle to peace, and the issue has strained relations with Israel'

s right-wing government. A. investor B. volunteer C. contributor D. sponsor 12.【2018-中行】Similarly, he told couples to seek marital counseling ______ if they'

re having trouble communicating. 中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:0431-81239600 学员专用 请勿外泄

3 A. in particular B. ahead of time C. on the verge D. on the brink 13.【2017-中行】 Increasingly, readers are seeking a sense of wonder, conveyed so well by science fiction, said Bryce. Lightspeed was created to address this A. question B. award C. invitation D. demand 14.【2017-中行】Lonan Imports will work ______ with any distributor to fulfill a customer request. A. directly B. directs C. directed D. directness 15.【2017-中行】Ulrich Electronics will provide free ______ of any entertainment system purchased by June 30. A. assistance B. contract C. market D. installation 16. 【2017-中行】 To ______ the Adele'

s Apparel store that is nearest to you, select your state or country from the pull-down menu. A. locate B. provide C. create D. afford 17.【2017-中行】Ms. Lu'

s administrative assistant will mail a copy of the annual report to ______ who cannot attend the meeting. A. this B. those C. them D. then 18. 【2017-中行】 The division, Lightspeed Press, will publish twenty original titles this year. It will be led by Clara Bryce, longtime fiction ______ at Nahan-Messer. A. editor B. editing C. edits D. editorial 19.【2017-中行】The information you provide on this questionnaire is strictly ______ and will not be shared with any other vendors. A. potential B. concentrated C. dedicated D. confidential 20. 【2017-中行】 Not long ______ leaving the Nisklen company, Mr. Saito began working at a government agency. A. around B. off C. over D. after 21.【2017-中行】This is a ______ to renew your Chamber of Business membership, which expires on August 30. A. purpose B. conclusion C. question D. reminder 中公教育学员专用资料 报名专线:0431-81239600 学员专用 请勿外泄
