编辑: 飞翔的荷兰人 2013-06-21
巴黎-罗浮皇宫博物馆- 蒙玛特山岗 PARIS - LOUVRE MUSEUM - MONTMARTRE HILL 航机於是日抵达巴黎.

下午开始游览,乘专车前往 法国著名博物馆~罗浮皇宫,特别安排入场参观, 馆内珍藏无数,如达文西作品「蒙罗丽莎的微笑」、 希腊出土的「胜利女神和维纳斯女神像」、古埃及 的狮身人像等,必定能令你增广见闻.继后前往卡 通艺术家天堂蒙玛特山岗,许多未成名画家集於此 地替游客写生,而圣心教堂又名白教堂耸立於山岗 上好像照耀整个花都巴黎的浪漫.继而领可代安 排自费乘船畅游塞纳河,两岸美景尽入眼帘.晚餐 於法国餐馆品法国蜗牛、法式主菜、水果批及法 国红酒. 住宿U Mercure Ivry Hotel 或同级 ( 晚餐 ) Upon arrival, all will visit the famous Louvre Museum to appreciate the immortal painting of Mona Lisa. Next stop is the Montmartre Hill, known for the white-domed Vincent Van Gogh . This is followed by an optional cruise on River Seine, which is highly recommended as another way to discover Paris. A French banquet dinner will be an unique experience for all. (D) 巴黎 ( 市内观光 ) -自由活动 PARIS ( CITYTOUR ) -AT LEISURE 自助式早餐后开始巴黎观光,先往协和广场,此乃 昔日法国大革命,无数皇室及贵族断头之地.现今 广场上的大喷泉及三千多年历史的埃及方尖碑.继往1889 年世界博览会而建的艾菲尔铁塔拍摄留念. 游毕,途经拿破仑墓碑直达壮观浩瀚的凯旋门及充 满现代和浪漫气氛的香榭丽舍大道.午餐於中国餐 馆(8 m1汤).餐后自由活动,方便购物或参加 自费节目凡尔塞皇宫及其御花园.晚上更可自费参 观极尽视之娱的夜总会节目.晚餐自备. 原居地-巴黎 HOME CITY- PARIS 是日乘搭豪华客机飞往法国首都~巴黎. Depart from home city for Paris, the capital of France. DAY



1 独家安排UNIQUE FEATURES ? 法国 FRANCE - 巴黎享用法式晚餐 $75 PARIS: French banquet dinner ? 德国 GERMANY - 莱茵河区享用德式烤猪手晚餐 $35 RHINE REGION: German Knuckle dinner ? 荷兰 Netherlands - 阿姆斯特丹参观新士坚斯风车村 $14 Amsterdam: Zaanse Schans village ? 英国 ENGLAND - 伦敦享用港式点心午餐 $22 LONDON: Hong Kong style dim sum lunch - 伦敦享用中式晚餐配烧鸭全只 $30 LONDON: Chinese dinner with roasted duck in whole 总值(团费已包括) 每位 USD $176 完美配搭PERFECT COMPLEMENT ? 独具法国风情山岗~蒙玛特 The Montmartre Hill in Paris ? 德国莱茵河两岸怡人景色 Picturesque scenery of the Rhine River in Germany ? 欧洲之星列车由布鲁塞尔至伦敦 Euro-Star train from Brussels to London ? 巴黎及伦敦各住宿两个晚上 2-night stay each in Paris and London ? 四款地道特色餐

4 typical gourmet meals 住宿U Mercure Ivry Hotel 或同级 ( 早/午餐 ) The morning tour will pass the Champs Elysses, Arc de Triumphe, Eiffel Tower, Tomb of Invalides, Concorde Square. Finally, a brief stop at Printemp Department Store. The remaining part of the day after lunch is free at leisure or for an optional tour to Versailes and its spectacularly ornamented gardens, one of the grandest in the world. In the evening, an optional choice to enjoy one of the colorful Parisian Cabaret Shows is also available. (B/L) 巴黎-卢森堡-莱茵河区 PARIS - LUXEMBOURG - RHINE REGION 自助式早餐后,驱车前往欧洲小国卢森堡,抵达后 前往宪法广场欣赏两岸景色及亚道尔夫大桥,及后 往市中心行人专用区购物,午膳自备於途中餐厅. 游罢驱车前往德国境内的莱茵河,两岸遍植葡萄, 风景怡人.拍照后前往酒店休息.晚餐於地道餐厅, 品传统德国烤猪手. 住宿:Intercity Hotel 或同级 ( 早/晚餐 ) Coach to Luxembourg, a small European country and one of the first countries to start the European Union. Luxembourg City, capital of the Grand Duchy, is a modern commercial and banking center, as well as a picturesque, thousand-year-old, walled citadel, built atop naturally fortified rock cliffs. After a brief city sightseeing, proceed to River Rhine for photo-taking. A dinner, high-lighted by German knuckle, will be served. (B/D) DAY
