编辑: 无理的喜欢 2013-06-27

C C 介绍来自拉中两国的商界人士对两国间现有和未来 合作的认识;

C C 对两国的劳动税收制度以及相关立法的重要方面进 行总结. 我们向拉脱维亚总理和中华人民共和国驻拉脱维亚大 使表示衷心的感谢. 感谢他们为本报告撰写前言. 并向 拉中商会对本报告撰写过程中提供的鼎力支持表示衷 心感谢! 如需了解其他情况, 毕马威拉脱维亚分所愿意为您解 答;

我们的联系方式在文件后. Armine Movsisjana / 阿米哪 ?莫斯雅娜 Managing Partner, KPMG in Latvia 毕马威拉脱维亚 管理合伙人

5 Preface 致辞 中国大使的致辞 Preface from the Embassy of the People'

s Republic of China to the Republic of Latvia Preface from Prime Minister of the Republic of Latvia 拉脱维亚总理的致辞 The relationship between the Republic of Latvia and the People'

s Republic of China is consistently developing and deepening. The year

2016 is of particular significance, as it marks

25 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between our countries. This year in the autumn, Latvia will be giving a boost to cooperation in the 16+1 format by inviting the Prime Minister of China and his counterparts in Central and Eastern European countries to come together for the 5th 16+1 Summit. The Business Forum taking place at the time of this Riga Summit will be an important opportunity to create new contacts, network and share ideas, contributing to promotion of trade and investment. As cooperation and confidence continue to grow, so does the common determination to engage in mutually profitable projects and business. In this regard, it is worth mentioning that transport and logistics is one of the cornerstones of Latvia'

s growing economy due to our excellent geographical location, and that we see ourselves as an integral part of the One Belt, One Road initiative by offering convenient transport connectivity to Northern Europe and the whole Baltic Sea Region. Likewise Latvia sees enhanced cooperation with China in other spheres like agriculture, food processing, ICT, as well as culture, education and tourism. I see vast potential ahead for dynamic and expanding Sino-Latvian cooperation. It is our common goal to pave the way to improved links and connections with one another, and to utilise these growing links as competitive advantages for our countries and enterprises. 拉脱维亚共和国和中华人民共和国之间的关系不断发 展深化. 今年更是有着重大意义的一年, 因为2016年 正值中拉两国建交25周年. 今年秋季, 拉脱维亚将邀请中国国务院总理以及其他 中东欧各国的总理齐聚里加参加第五届16+1峰会, 进 一步推进16+1合作模式. 在本届里加峰会上将要举行 的商贸论坛是创建新的联系网络和分享经验意见的重 要机会, 同时也能为促进贸易投资做出贡献. 随着合作和信心的持续增长, 双方就开展互惠互利商 业合作项目的共同决心也随之增加. 运输物流业是推 动拉脱维亚经济增长的基石之一, 这得益于我们优越 的地理位置. 通过为北欧和整个波罗的海地区提供便 利的交通连接, 拉脱维亚将自己视为 一带一路 倡议 中不可或缺的一部分. 此外拉脱维亚和中国在农业, 食 品加工, 信息通讯技术, 以及文化, 教育和旅游等领域 的合作也不断加强. 我看到充满活力不断拓展的中拉合作有着巨大的发展 潜力. 为增进双方之间的互联互通铺平道路, 并且利用 这些日益密切的联系来增加中拉两国及其企业的竞争 优势是我们双方共同的目标. 拉脱维亚是中国在波罗的海地区重要合作伙伴. 中拉 建交25年来, 政治互信不断增强, 经贸关系保持良好发 展势头, 合作领域不断扩大与深化. 2015年, 中拉两国 贸易额达5.2亿欧元, 增长13.7%, 中国对拉新增投资 247万欧元, 增长74.6%. 拉脱维亚乳制品和鱼产品成 功进入中国市场, 取得突破性进展. 中国高度重视发展同拉脱维亚的全面合作关系, 愿与拉 脱维亚积极落实两国领导人达成的一系列重要共识, 共 同推进 一带一路 建设, 加强务实合作, 进一步拓展合 作领域和扩大贸易投资规模, 改善投资环境, 支持更多 企业互联互通, 互利共赢. 2016年, 第五次中国―中东欧国家领导人会议将在拉 脱维亚首都里加将举办, 中拉双方应共同努力, 相向而 行, 积极为会议积累经贸成果, 将中拉两国经贸合作关 系推向新阶段. Latvia is an important partner of China in the Baltic Sea Region. Over the past
