编辑: 丑伊 2013-09-16

14 December, 2008. On that cold day, around

30 volunteers were divided into five groups. They delivered warm clothing to needy elderly in Lam Tin, Pak Tin, Sai Kung, Sheung Shui and Hong Kong Island. Although the elderly knew beforehand they would be visited by volunteers, they were thrilled at what the volunteers had brought them. "I have lived in Lam Tin for more than

10 years. Nobody ever took the initative to concern about my health. These volunteers were willing to listen to my need and they brought me a heater. They even taught me how to use it. They are wonderful people." Mr. Chan, who lives on a CSSA of slightly over $2,000.00 a month, made the above remarks. "I'm so happy today. Santa Claus really exists. They are like angels who have brought me heart-warming concern. I'm very satisfied this winter. "Ms Cheung, who lives by herself, said smilingly. This winter, our 'Bring warmth Campaign ' continued. At the end of first campaign day, over

50 elderly have benefitted from it. Continuing onto the month of January

2009 through co-operation with regional welfare organizations, over

400 helpless needy, the sick and the handicapped received heart-warming concern from thebenevolentdonorsandvolunteers.Theyreceiveddownjackets, scarves, silk-cotton blankets, coats, heaters, electric rice cookers, thermos flasks and electric heaters. The'Bring warmth Campaign' benefits the helpless poor as a result of generous donations as well as voluntary delivery.. In fact, there are many people who need help. We hope that people will continue to donate. Together we help improve the lives of the underprivileged and enable them to live through the Year of the Ox in safety and comfort. For donations, kindly dial 2835-4321 or 8107-8324. 冬日的温情 Winterwarmth 圣雅各福群会「电器赠长者」推行了接近拾个年头, 除了善长们热心慷慨解囊外,实有赖义工不遗余力的协助. 罗永恒先生自零三年开始加入「电器赠长者」义工服 务,一直致力协助运送电器及探访长者.「放工或者放假与 其留瘴萜,倒不如去做更多有意义.一来可以帮助到 人,二来又可以俾下一代认识而家香港贫穷幻,等诘 学懂凡事都应该珍惜.」在刚踏入的冬天,罗先生深感寒风 刺骨,贫苦无依的长者更难熬,故此鼓动了身边的朋友,与 圣雅各福群会合办「送暖行动」. 行动由去年十一月开始筹划,经过多次整合及商讨, 在去年十二月十四日正式进行.当日近三十名的义工冒著寒 冷的天气,分成数於蓝田、白田、西贡、上水及环岛派发 御寒物资到有需要的长者手上.虽然老人家都预先知道有义 工上门,但收到所需物资时,仍然显得非常开心及雀跃. 「我住绽短锒汲墒,都未试过有人主动关心我身 体,呢一班义工好愿意耐心我枰,又送我一部暖风 机,仲教识埋我点用,真系好好人.」每月只靠2,000多元 综援金生活的陈伯伯说. 「我今日真系好开心,我估唔到世界上真系有圣诞老 人,诘鼐秃盟埔话嗵焓挂谎,将好多暖笠笠鼗炒 我,今个冬天我好满足.」独居的张婆婆面上挂著笑容说. 这个冬天我们开始展开的「送暖行动」,随著夜幕落 下,全日共有五十多名老人家受惠,而随后至09年一月为 止,透过与各地区福利机构社工的合作,已经有超过400多 名无依贫困病残者收到大家暖暖及窝心的温情关怀DD羽绒、颈巾、棉被、外套、暖风机、电饭煲、热水壶及热水炉 等等御寒物资.此「送暖行动」得可福泽无依贫穷人士,善 长们的热心捐赠以及义工参与的派赠,实在功不可没.事 实上,香港仍有很多匮乏者急待大家帮忙,故仰望善长们 多多捐赐,俾我们可依指示运用大家的关怀,以能改善不 幸者的拮据生活,令可安渡牛年.施善热线:2835 4321或8107 8324. " Smile! Take a group photo before we send warmth." 「来,笑一下!义工在出发送暖前先来个大合照.」 慈惠月报 The Philanthropy Monthly 圣雅各福群会 St. James'Settlement 我们的服务介绍 Our Service Introduction 零九年一月份 JAN 2009
