编辑: hys520855 | 2013-10-16 |
6 个因素根据权重 大小依次为:政府管制政策、环境承载力、政府宣教、配套设施、资源利 用和其他人群;
5 个因素根据权重大小依次为:政府管制 政策、配套设施、其他组织、政府宣教和其他人群.此外,还发现政府管 制政策、环境承载力、政府宣教和资源利用
4 个影响因素对居民认知的影 响均受到性别、年龄、教育程度、收入和职业变量的调节作用影响,配套 设施对居民认知的影响受到性别、年龄、收入和职业变量的调节作用影响, 其他人群对居民认知的影响受到年龄和收入变量的调节作用影响;
政府管 制政策、配套设施、政府宣教和其他组织
4 个影响因素对居民意愿的影响 均受到性别、年龄、教育程度、收入和职业变量的调节作用影响,其他人 群对居民意愿的影响受到性别、教育程度、收入和职业变量的调节作用影 响. 第三,基于实证分析结论,并结合国内外城市居民生活垃圾源头分类 处理的实践现状经验,针对性地提出五大方面解决问题的对策思路供政府 决策者和管理者参考,即加强宣传教育提高公众参与度;
强化生活垃圾分 类处理的市场化机制;
构 建完整的垃圾分类处理循环利用体系;
引入多中心治理机制. 关键词:城市居民生活垃圾,分类处理,影响因素 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 城市居民生活垃圾源头分类处理影响因素研究 III THE RESEARCH OF FACTORS AFFECTING SOURCE SEPARATION PROCESSING OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE ――A CASE STUDY IN YUYAO CITY ABSTRACT With the development of economy and society, the problem of household waste in cities has become increasingly prominent, and garbage siege phenomenon has become more common. Household waste separation can make the household waste in cities resources, reduction, harmless, which is full of important practical significance. But the current domestic research on source separation of household waste mainly concentrated in large cities which have carried out the household waste separation, rarely involved in small and medium-sized cities which are also troubled by the garbage siege. And the study of household waste source separation in cities at home and abroad is mostly concentrated in certain aspects of MSW, while there are few individuals to study it comprehensively and systematically. In view of this, this paper attempts through empirical research method to study the factors that impact on carrying out source separation, systematically from residents, government, society, economy (market), environment and so on, based on the public management perspective. In order to understand which factors affect the implementation 上海交通大学 MPA 学位论文 城市居民生活垃圾源头分类处理影响因素研究 IV effect of household waste source separation in cities, and investigate the effect of these factors impact on household waste source separation in cities, and to provide decision-making basis for government departments to formulate regulations and policies on household waste source separation. This paper is divided into three parts: First, on the basis of full analysis of the existing domestic and foreign research theory on the household waste source separation, according to the externality theory, the polycentric governance theory and the circulation economic theory, it constructs the framework model for household waste source separation in cities, identifies with several main dimensions that closely related to the city residents'